Friday 2 December 2022

Planning for December

It is amazing how much setting my little goals each month gives me the motivation to get some things done, rather than just going mindlessly through the days.  I like that they are not a “To Do” list of chores, but more fun things.

So what fun things will I try to do during December?

As I have not been using my sewing machine much in the last couple of months, rather favouring hand work, my goal for December will be to make quilt top.  
It will be a donation quilt using some Harry Potter fat quarters I bought some time ago, with that in mind.  I’ve been dithering far too much as to what design I will use, so by making it my goal I will have to finally make a decision and get it out of my head. Also, I need to get some simple, smallish tops stitched so that I can start to play with Monique, without working on a larger, more intricate quilt.

This will be the last month that Kris is hosting this little challenge, so I had better have something to show.  Actually, I already do, as there are the secret projects that I worked on last month but am yet to share.  I’d like to have something else as well - hopefully a knitted shawl, as it is coming along nicely.  Kris had done a mammoth job of hosting this for so very many years.  Even though it won’t be a thing any more, I will still try to finish something each month going forward, as one of my self imposed goals. 

That is tonight.  I will definitely be working on my knitting, as we are watching the Test Cricket against the West Indies, which will be the perfect way to spend an evening.

I was rather surprised how well this went last month.  Therefore, I will try to keep this going through the month of December.  I’m not sure that it would be practical to make it a goal each month, but while I have the inclination, I will keep going.  Having something portable made a big difference last month, as I don’t know how I would go if all my projects were on the machine.  Therefore, from now on I will try to have some hand work at the ready to just pick up whenever I have a chance and also for Zoom days.

I will continue with my knitted shawl and hopefully have it finished by the end of  the month, to then put away until the weather cools down again (not that it has warmed up yet).

I still haven’t had much of a play with Monique, my mid arm quilting machine.  I need to load another practice piece on her and play some more.  Now that I have a laser stylus I can also have a play with some pantographs.  By writing it here, I will have to unload the fabric that is currently on her and have another go.  Then I should be ready to tackle the donation quilt that I will be making for OMG.

I’m not setting any goals in relation to the Blue Quilt or Rainbow Scrap Challenge, as I already have plenty to go on with.  Next year I will have to have a look at what projects are already on the go and work on finishing them.  After a big push last year, I seem to have quite a few once again.  Not UFOs, just WIPs.

On the non stitching front I have a few goals too, mainly the same as usual.

I bought a book at an op shop while we were away and it is on the top of the pile, so I will try to read it this month.

I read on a blog of a different Mince Pie recipe.  Mick enjoys his mince pies at Christmas and I have a couple of jars of fruit mince in the pantry, so am eager to give this a go.  It does entail making the pastry from scratch, but that will be good for me to try too.

The gods seem to be against us on this lately.  Fingers crossed, we will finally get to go for a ride this month.

We do not expect to be going anywhere with the van this month.

Now changed from “Friday Fun Day”, hopefully we will have a fun day out somewhere.  Nothing planned, which means it will be a nice surprise when it happens.

I have a tendency to blog in fits and spurts, so will try to be a bit more regular with my posts, which makes it a lot easier than writing massive posts.

Phew!  I’m tire just reading all that, but now that I am not at work it is so much more achievable.  Let’s see how I go at the end of the month……which will be the end of the year!!!!  Oh my goodness!  Where did that go?


  1. I’m sure you are enjoying this endless list and not having to worry about working anymore

  2. well it's morning here in maryland and i'm tired just reading all that...LOL

  3. I think your goal setting is great and I do enjoy reading what you’d like to achieve…
    Good luck with the Harry Potter Quilt and playing with Monique..

  4. I'm sure you will achieve all of your goals. You rarely miss them.

  5. Goal setting is certainly motivational.... I love sewalongs for that reason. Have fun with your quilt making - I'm looking forward to seeing what pattern you decide on. I will keep up with listing my finishes on my sidebar - it's a good reference for me.

  6. Great goals set and I am sure will be achieved. It is lovely having that flexibility of being able to pick and choose once retired.

  7. Sounds like you have some plans, and I am sure you will achieve them all.

  8. I like your Harry Potter fabric, sounds like another busy and creative month ahead for you.

  9. I think I need to set some similar goals - I can see time slipping away from me.

    Looking forward to seeing Harry Potter come to life - and sad that Kris has stopped OPAM - not surprising I guess...I'm sure there are fewer contributors these days.
