Tuesday 30 November 2021

Stitching for November

It's been a while since I have posted, so time for another catch up.  But where to start?  I have so many things to share from the last couple of months.

I've been taking things quietly for the last week, as I had surgery last Monday to remove my gall bladder.  There will be no more trouble from those pesky gallstones from now on.  Everything went well and my recovery has been good.

I suppose, as it is the end of November I had better start by sharing what I have been up to in the sewing room.  You can check out my goals here.

Early in the month I got a wriggle on with my donation quilt. Firstly, piecing the backing, then doing some simple straight line quilting.  While I was at it, I also made the binding.
All I need to do now is trim down the excess backing and batting and add the binding, which I will finish by machine.  So, no finish on that one, but I have made good progress, which is what I had hoped for.

That ticked off my WOOFA Challenge and Donation Quilt goals.

My One Monthly Goal was to finish off my Laundry Basket Mystery Quilt by Edyta Sitar.  The design has now been given the name of "Michigan". (I believe the instructions are still free on her website, for the time being.) All I needed to do to complete the quilt was to make and attach the binding.  I had the binding made and attached by machine early in the month, but didn't get around to hand stitching it down.
Chooky arranged another Zoom sewing day a week and a half ago, so it was the perfect opportunity to sit and do the hand stitching.  I tended to pop in and out during the day, but managed to get a finish.  I so enjoy catching up with all the girls during these sewing sessions.  They are my equivalent of a quilting group.
I'm beyond thrilled with how this quilt turned out.  It was a spur of the moment decision to join in with the mystery sew along.  All the fabric, including backing, borders, binding and batting were from stash.  
Val did a lovely job with the quilting.  The swirly design compliments the border and backing fabrics, while adding some movement to the sharper piecing shapes.  It was handy that I could drop it in to her, despite being in lock down.

The quilt along started in May, I completed all the blocks by the end of June, then it had a little rest.  In September, all the 225 small blocks were joined together and in October the borders were added and the  quilting was done.  Now it is finally completed.  I didn't realise it had been on the go for quite so long.  I'm very happy to now have it on our bed.

Anyway, that ticked off my OMG and provided a finish for One Project a Month finish.  Bonus.

My only other stitching goal is my secret stitching, which is still secret and progressing very slowly.  I think I need to get a wriggle on.
On an aside, I have always used this lovely old chair as my sewing chair.  Mick and I bought it about 30 years ago, coated with thick layers of white gloss paint. My Dad did a beautiful job of restoring it.
He took so much time restoring the details on the back, using a dentist's drill to get the paint out of all the crevises.

Anyway, my back was getting a bit stiff as I was quilting the donation quilt, so went and got my office chair, which was much better.  As a result, we decided that an upgrade would be a good idea for my sewing chair.  (Also, I find the timber chair quite cold to sit on during the winter.)  
This is what has been added to my sewing room.  Who'd have thought you would be able to get an aqua office chair.  The colour is ideal for my sewing room, being nice and bright.  I definitely didn't want a black chair.  I haven't done any sewing as yet, but I am sure it will be better for my comfort than my old one.  And, yes, I will be keeping the old chair.  It is too sentimental.

Just a couple of other things to share.
I received this lovely tea towel from Maria through the week.  It was for a little swap she arranged.  I won't share what I sent, as I don't think she has received it just yet.  The post is somewhat unpredictable at the moment. This was a quick, simple little swap.  Thanks Maria.
Last month, I forgot to share this star block I made to send to a friend.  It was quite different from what I normally make and I'm happy with how it turned out.

I'll be linking up with Patty from Elm Tree Quilts and Cheryll from Gone Stitchin. Thanks girls.


  1. Love your mystery quilt, just gorgeous. Your office chair looks lovely, i need to invest in a new one to sit & sew at the machine, my current one isn't very comfy to sit & sew for long. :(. Love the wooden chair. Hugs, xx

  2. First of all, wishing you a speedy recovery from your op, no doubt you will be taking a little time off work while you recuperate?
    What a lovely new sewing chair, it looks nice and comfy. I should look for something like that, as I use one of our dining chairs. Your timber one looks gorgeous, as you say, too sentimental with all the work your Dad did restoring it.
    Love the tea towel, Maria is so clever.

  3. I hope you continue to recover smoothly from your op, Janice. Congratulations on the finishing of Edyta's mystery - it is beautiful (I haven't touched mine for a while!). I hope your new chair is as comfy as it looks - great colour choice. Lovely tea-towel and cute star block. I hoped to join in with Chooky's zoom day but once again had kiddies all day!

  4. Hope you are recovering well and I’m sure the lovely aqua office chair will be much comfier than the wooden. Nice to keep as a memory one.
    The laundry basket is gorgeous and like you I always enjoy Chooky’s Zoom GTGs…
    Pleased your tea towel arrived and I received your beautiful one today, thanks heaps.. ❤️👍

  5. So happy you are recovering well; my mother had to have that surgery and also had a happy outcome. Meanwhile, how wonderful to have roundup of your lovely quilting. I enjoyed seeing it all including the happy quilting faces all contentedly stitching. Love the aqua chair almost as much as that authentic timber beauty.

  6. So glad your surgery went well and you are feeling good. Sometimes those gall bladders are better taken out for sure. Gosh what a fabulous job on all those points on the mystery challenge.

  7. The Laundry Basket mystery looks stunning!
    Your new sewing chair is a beautiful colour, and definitely looks better for comfortable sewing.

  8. Lovely work this month Janice. Love the new chair too.
    Thanks for playing along in Woofa, during this month and also 2021... xox

  9. Wow - I love that mystery quilt! The colors and everything. What an excellent finish.

  10. So glad all went well with your op and you are recovering nicely. You had a good month, with lots achieved as always.
    I too enjoy the zoom sessions, it does feel like being in a quilt group. So much inspiration and enabling going on.

  11. Glad the op went well - I am sure you will feel a whole lot better without the fear of that horrible pain those stones can give hanging over.... Lovely sewing and the mystery quilt is stunning...
    I love the one you have quilted too... done well.

    Yes a support on your back is good for sewing...


  12. Good to hear your op went well and that you have recovered.
    Love your mystery quilt and the new chair is great. Great tea towel and star block.

  13. Hope you ate having a good recovery from your surgery. Love your quilts so fresh looking. I've just brought 6 chairs identical to your wooden one. I'm using one at my machine. Louise aka Target stalker 😂

  14. Wishing you a speedy recovery. I bought an office chair when we moved and it makes a big difference to my comfort....I hope you find the same. The Laundry basket quilt is gorgeous. Cute teatowel.

  15. Gorgeous quilt! Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and congrats on your finish.

  16. I don't miss my gall bladder at all! I hope you feel the same. :-) I was sorry to miss the last Zoom and I'm looking forward to the next one. Happy December!

  17. Love your mystery quilt, and your new chair with wheels will make you wonder why you didn't change sooner, but good your are keeping the old one

  18. i'd say lucky you got your op done when you did and hope you have been healing well......
    love your quilt and the quilting looks lovely also.......
