Sunday 10 January 2021

Making Progress

As we are now well into the month of January I thought it was time to check in with my progress on my stitching goals for the month.
Firstly, I have achieved my One Monthly Goal of completing five Block Heads 3 blocks.  I am still behind the eight ball, so hope to have more done, but I'm happy to have made a start.

Next, I made my start with the Vintage Linens Quilt.
After the initial trepidation of cutting up doilies, which just seems wrong, I had fun putting the blocks together.
Most of the doilies were purchased in op shops on our most recent caravan trip in December.
The pattern calls for a dresden plate block made from vintage hankies as the centre block, but I had bought this pillow sham while we were away and thought it was too pretty to cut up into small pieces.
It is the perfect size to feature as the centre block of the quilt.  The colours tie all the other blocks in together.
My blocks so far.  The quilt won't be in this layout, as there are plenty more smaller blocks to be incorporated into the design.  I'm looking forward to making further progress with it.
I did make some progress on the Baradine Bag, while enjoying the Zoom get together with Chooky and co on New Years Day.  I now have a partly completed stitchery and a cute little tin full of EPP pieces ready to stitch together.  Hopefully, some more progress will be made soon.

Today is a nice and lazy day, so I'm off to work on something now.


  1. Lovely blockhead blocks and the vintage doily ones are gorgeous!

  2. The Blockheads are lovely. And my heart is b3ating faster over the gorgeous Vintage doiley blocks.....cutting them up has always been my barrier to making something similiar. The centrepiece is perfect. Your new scrub stitching project looks interesting x

  3. Your Dooley blocks are looking amazing. This will be a stunning quilt.

  4. all your blocks look great........can't cut into my doilys as they are stitched by my nan mostly before she got married.......
    good to see some progress on the Scrub Stitchin' bag..........

  5. Oh my you have done a wonderful job on your linens--I worked on mine today too--but I am way behind--just got 4 centers done for the star blocks so far--they are from hankies as will the next 2 to make the 6--and I am still working on an idea for the center one--so we are both off to the race!!!
    thanks for sharing yours--
    hugs, di

  6. The perfect centrepiece for your new quilt. The chosen fabrics certainly showcase the doilies. Great start.

  7. Lovely blockheads blocks and doily ones.... it is hard cutting into pretty things but worth it in the end...

  8. I love the way you have used the doilies J. The quilt first quilt is also very cheerful.

  9. Great work and so much progress. Wonderful Vintage blocks.

  10. Love what you have done with the doileys, your blocks look fantastic.
