Sunday 3 May 2020

My Goals for May

Now that the colour has been announce for May for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge, I can put down my goals for the month.

I decided to keep this nice and simple this month.

My goal this month is to complete the Hatched and Patched Christmas quilt I started last month.  I just happen to have suitable fabric for the backing in stash and I'm pretty sure there is enough batting kicking around.

The colour this month is dark green.  Therefore, I only have to make the drunkard path blocks, as I don't have any dark green in the 30s fabrics for the pineapple blocks.

Deciding out what UFO to work on each time is always hard.  There is always a reason why a project becomes a UFO - usually hand stitching.

I finally decided to work on the 2014 project from Girls Day in the Country.  You can't rush these things.  It is a rather cute sewing bag.  I did the embroidery on the day and have since joined all the hexies.  Why it came to a standstill is because I have to cut some of those hexies to square it up and hand sew the hexies to the main bag fabric and hand applique the stitchery to the pocket.  In reality, it is not a huge task. I just have to make a start.  This is the kick in the pants I need.  In know that once it is done I will love it.

There will be four more blocks released this month.  I plan on keeping up to date.

My poor Splendid Sampler 2 seems to have slowed right down.  My plan was always to have it completed in two years.  That is in June!  I need to get a wriggle on.  No set goal this month.  Like last month, I just want to progress it.

All things being equal, I should have at least one finish, possible two, which will be a good outcome.

There are two FNWF events this month.  I took part on Friday and achieved very little.  Hopefully, I will be more productive this coming Friday.

Also, I have started to crochet a Pixie Shawlette using some pretty yarn I found in an op shop at Boorowa last year.  I don't know if it will get finished this month, but I seem to enjoy some crochet during the cooler months, so this should be nice to work on.

On the non stitching front I have my usual few goals.


This month I will be more sensible and not nominate any specific book, so my goal is simply to read a book.


Now that we are spending more time at home this should be very achievable.  No recipe in mind, but that gives me more flexibility.  I'm sure there will be more baking as well.


We'll see how we go.  A lot is weather dependent.


This is possibly wishful thinking, but fingers crossed restrictions may have lifted enough by the end of the month for this to take place.


Now this one is very wishful thinking and I really don't think will happen, but it would be very nice if it did.


  1. Will be great to see your progress on this month's list ....
    Hmm weekend in the van guess you could just have a home stay and sleep in the van .... 🤔

  2. aaah - those Nundle projects!!! looking forward to seeing it finished - and your goals met of course!

  3. Your hexagon sewing bag UFO looks very nice, perhaps you will manage to get it co plated this month. Trips away are still on the wish list here in New Zealand, we are currently at the stay at home and stay local phase.

  4. that is a lovely little bag... I am always amazed at what gets put aside as a UFO for ages.... some good plans there and the blocks is progress even if its only one done...
    I can never get a whole book read in a month... am a very slow reader last thing at night and I fall asleep before getting much read! But I do listen to books too.
    Have fun hunting a new recipe.....

  5. Looking forward to seeing your hexagon bag finished, it is a lovely project. I am sure you will achieve your goals, wouldn't it be nice to be able to go for a ride on the bike, hopefully soon. I have read several books this last month, something I enjoy. Also looking forward to seeing your new recipes.

  6. It always seems to me that you plan to do so much, but you usually seem to achieve all the goals you set.
    that little bag looks pretty, it will be fun to see it finished.

  7. Your Hatched and Patched Christmas quilt is darling! You'll get it done, I'm sure as you are so close. The bag is so cute and we are opposites...I like hand sewing better than machine sewing. So you are doing 2 Blockhead quilts? I would like to get one of their books but I have too many WIP's right now! LOL! it looks so interesting though. I love your shawlette and the yarn you're using is scrumptious! You have many lovely projects and I love the goals you've set for yourself! Have a great week and stay well!

  8. I love your Christmas quilt and sweet bag too. We are hanging out for a van outing too but can't see it happening anytime soon x

  9. It's always nice to pull out some of these older projects and make some progress on them. Have fun completing your goals this month...and I'll keep my fingers crossed for you that you'll be able to go out for a ride or even a jaunt in the van.... that would be a really good sign as it would mean this virus is under control! We learn on Monday what our next step will be - and more importantly, when.
