Friday 1 May 2020

April Goals Round Up

Another month has passed and it is time to see how I went with my goals for the month.  Not too bad on the whole, but "can still do better", as a school report card may say.

My One Monthly Goal was to finish the "Happy Thoughts" mini quilt, which was also my WOOFA UFO project.  Happily it was achieved.

My Rainbow Scrap Challenge was only the drunkard path blocks this time.

Blockheads 3 had five blocks released this month.  Some I haven't shared as yet.

At this point we  had completed fourteen blocks, which is a quarter of the blocks.

I have been  making them in a variety of sizes, which work out to be fourteen blocks to a square.  It was a bit of fun to see how they look together.

And now the next quarter has been started. I'm glad to have been able to stay up to date.  Not going away for weekends or holidays has definitely helped with this.

I didn't complete a Christmas project this month, but I consider making a flimsy of a Christmas quilt is still a good achievement.

Splendid Sampler 2 didn't fair so well.  I simplified my goal for April to "make progress".  I did do that, but it was very minimal progress.

The Scrub Stitchin' girls had another Zoom catch up on Sunday afternoon.  While we chatted away I cut out the cardboard templates, cut the fabric and glue basted the pieces.  I decided very shortly afterwards that I will change the white edges for something different, as I want to frame it with a white border sashing.

I stitched a few pieces together one lunch time, but have not progressed any further.  It is Friday Night With Friends tonight, so hopefully I will get a little more done.

I did have two finishes for OPAM, which I am pleased about.

The Scrub Stitchin' project wasn't a goal, as such, but I am very pleased that it is finished, not becoming a UFO like may of my retreat projects.

Now onto my non stitching goals.

1.  Read "The Book Thief".  

This was a carry over from last month.  Big fail again.  Maybe I'm not in the mood for this book at the moment.  I may have to revise this goal for now.

2.  Try a new recipe.  

Yes!  We had the yummiest eggplant curry.  We also baked quite a few times, just favourite recipes, rather than new ones.  Staying home helped this one too.

3.  Go for a walk at least four times a week.  

No, this didn't happen.  I'll blame the weather for a few days.  However, we did some rather long walks and our long bike rides, so I won't call this a total failure.

I'm still loving setting these goals, as it is helping me get more done.  I'm not too worried that they don't always get achieved, and also realise that they can be changed each month as circumstances and my mood dictate.

Now I have to see what I hope to do next month.


  1. I LoVe the colours in your blockhead project.
    You've been busy so you had a great month...xox

  2. You get many finishes and achieve lots from the list ..
    Was lovely seeing you on Zoom again too.
    doing list each month seems to work well for you ...

  3. Your blocks look wonderful Janice, you have done really well even if you don't meet all your goals. Was great to catch up via zoom.

  4. haha, I think we always feel we could do better... I know I do anyway.... you have done lots of detailed and pretty blocks as well as finishes..... great fitting in a virtual catch up too...

  5. You had a good month, with lots of progress.
    I call your Christmas project done. You finished the top, so that's a finish. Maybe you can re visit it later in the year to get it quilted.

  6. You've had a great month, no doubt about it! Not traveling away in the weekends certainly makes a difference, I can attest to that.

  7. Your blockhead blocks are gorgeous. I am a bit of a list person - it is a satisfying feeling to see the items mostly getting ticked off.

  8. I think you are doing very well on your need to be too strict!

    love the aqua and orange together.

  9. Those are some really precise blocks. Well done. That's going to be an amazing project.

  10. Your blockhead blocks are beautiful Janice! The fabrics you are using are just so pretty - love the wee bird in the middle of the last one. Well done on a productive month.
