Saturday 4 May 2019

A Lazy Day

Yesterday we had nothing we needed to do and no where we needed to be.  Add to that, there was a tiny bit of rain overnight and more forecast.  We therefore had a very late start to the day.  A great way to start a holiday and rather novel for us.

After completing my blog post on Thursday I made a very small start on my crochet scarf, so I sat up in bed yesterday morning and crocheted some more.  The predicted rain arrived, so we stayed put for a while.

How good is that.  We had nearly half an inch of rain.  It didn't take too long to soak in and has definitely settled the dust.  If it didn't rain it would have been one great big dust bowl here.

Apparently there was about 20mm at home, which was not the best for the start of the local show  for the rides, but great for all the farmers at the show.  Today should be nice and fine.

The rain had cleared by late morning, so we thought we had better do something, which meant wandering the back streets of Trundle.  We chuckled at this creeper which looked like "Cousin It" from The Addams Family.

The things you spy up a back lane.

There were lots of big puddles to negotiate.  I was sure I would end up with wet feet at this one, but the ground to the left of the road was dry.  Phew.

All towns have lovely old churches.

Like Eugorwa, Reliance had a small agency in Trundle in the late 1990s and I occasionally did relief from this little building.  I don't think they have a presence here any more.  

Here's a better photo of the huge old pub.

After another coffee at the new cafe  we came across a street stall.  How could we resist "Abba" biscuits and pink cupcakes with sprinkles.  As you can see, we couldn't.  Oh, and lovely fresh eggs.

Another interesting old relic was up a side street.

We spent a lazy afternoon back at camp.  We met our new camping neighbours.  They said they have a cousin in Bathurst.  It turns out we know him very well, as he was my Mum's next door neighbour for 40 years.  It is a small world.

I got stuck into my crochet, sitting in front of the fire bucket as the afternoon cooled down.

I did take a break to enjoy some nibblies.

A pretty sunset promised a nice day for today.

I had made such good progress on my crochet that I thought it was possible to get it finished.  I know it was a bit crazy, but a headlight gives great light while sitting in front of the fire bucket.  Yes, I got it finished, which was totally unexpected, when I started the previous night.  It wasn't late either, only about 8 o'clock.

Which meant we still had plenty of time to don our pink clothes and go to the Services Club in town and join in on the Pink Night raising funds for breast cancer research.  It was a fun night, with some crazy costumes and a big charity auction.  Patrons were very generous with their bids.  A fun way to end the day.

Ta da!  A finished Desert Wind Scarf.  A very simple pattern, but a nice and easy one to start back on crochet,

Today is the big day of events for the Abba Festival and the weather should be nice and sunny, although fairly cool.

Bring it on.


  1. Good to see some rain happening. Had to giggle at that truck with the 20 year project painted on the side, wonder how many years have past! Some of your finds up back streets would be a restorers dream. Well done with the scarf! Looks wonderful.

  2. I love seeing all the quirky places you both visit and show us...
    The creeper does look like Cousin Itt.....
    A fun evening to end the day for a good cause...
    Well done with your finish.

  3. Thanks for the tour....great the abba biscuits and Cousin It.

  4. Great to have had that rain to freshen things up..... Cousin It would have enjoyed the drench. Love the scarf and the picture of you doing it with the mine light near the fire.... perfect evening entertainment...

  5. Lovely welcome rain for you. I giggled at the head hubby is a big fan of them too lol! Your scarf looks beautiful! Looks like you are having a good time. The old pub is wonderful and seems HUGE!

  6. Looks like another fantastic trip.
    Loving the scarf.
