Monday 9 October 2017

It Rained on the Parade

The weekend just gone saw Bathurst host its biggest event for the year - the Bathurst 1000 car race.  Despite living here all my life I've only attended the race twice, once in my mid teens and once in the mid eighties.  We keep saying we should go again, but never seem to.  We do, however, love the way the town comes alive in the lead up to the big day.

On Saturday afternoon Mick settled in to watch the Top Ten Shoot Out on the tele.  Of course, Joey, being a mad TV sports fanatic, sat with him.  They do look rather settled.

You never know what the weather will bring for the race.  You can even get four seasons in a day.  Some years you get sunburnt to a frazzle, while one year it snowed!  Being spring there is quite often a storm in the afternoon, just to make the end of the race interesting.  During the week this year they were forecasting 28 degrees C for Sunday with the chance of a shower.  It didn't quite work out that way.

This is the view of The Mount from our front yard during the race - shrouded in a misty drizzle.  It was like that most of the day and the temperature only reached the mid teens, not ideal for the racers or spectators.

As it was bleak weather, we had nothing that really needed doing and I had come down with a nasty head cold, we spent the entire day in front of the tele watching the race.  I don't think we've ever done that before. I was on the lounge with Joey on top of me for most of the day. (I think he thoroughly enjoyed being snuggled so much.) I slept through quite a bit, including the fighter jet flying over our house (I'm not quite sure how I didn't hear that), read blogs and did no stitching at all.  It was a lovely lazy day.

By the way, in all the rain yesterday we recorded a total of 4.8mm.  Yep, that's right.  There was nothing in it but nuisance drizzle, despite how wet it looked at the track.

This afternoon we had our first thunder storm for the year........and received a whole 3mm of rain!!  It has still forgotten how to rain here.


  1. Hi Janice hope you are feeling better now and love the pic of Joey on top of Mick,they both look very comfortable,hope you get some decent rain soon xx

  2. Robin is a real "petrol-head" and would love to get to the Bathurst Races one day. He has a friend who used to go every year and was rather envious.

  3. we watched bits and pieces too..... rain has been avoiding us too.... we had a nice bit last week and now I just watch it pass us by... someone's getting it!!
