Tuesday 10 October 2017

A Day Out

We often go away somewhere on the October long weekend, but this year Mick was scheduled to work, so no plans were made.  As it turned out, they were finished their job nice and early and he didn't have to work after all.  This allowed us to join some friends for a motorcycle ride on the Monday.  On the bike three weekends in a row.  That is very unusual.

It was lovely just tagging along for this ride, rather than having organised it.  It also meant we travelled on a couple of roads we don't usually use, which is always good.

Our first stop was at Rylstone for morning tea.  As always, the main street was busy and there were other bikes.  These three were rather tasty.

We continued on our way via the village of Louee.  You know you are getting close when you pass under this old railway bridge.

I had fun sitting in the side car just snapping away with my camera.  The road was really rough and bumpy, so I took loads of photos, working on the assumption that some should turn out OK.

Our destination was Mudgee, with its iconic clock tower.  The town features as the backdrop in the TV series Doctor Doctor, which is showing at the moment.

Both Rylstone and Mudgee had many of their businesses festooned in pink for Pink up my Town for the McGrath Foundation.  This building looked particularly lovely.

We called in at this for our lunch.  We had a delicious meal sitting in the shady beer garden.

We returned to Bathurst via Hargreaves.  Once again I just took loads of happy snaps.  

There are lots of interesting old buildings along the way.

It is ideal motorcycling conditions with lots of twisties.

It is harsh country and extremely dry for this time of year.  It should be looking nice and green by now.

When you see a row of letterboxes like this you wonder where the houses are.  Obviously they are tucked away in nice quiet spots.

We came across quite a few of these steep road warnings on our travels.

Yes, it is harsh country.  However, it is this harsh environment that breeds some of Australia's best super fine merino.

We had a brief stopover in the historic village of Hill End.

I finally got a photo of our bikes, but wasn't able to organise to get everyone together.  So be it.

Not quite one tree hill.

This old house marks the turnoff down the Turondale Road to home.

As usual, we bring up the rear on a ride.  Notice the roo on the road.  There was heaps of roadkill.  A sign of the very dry conditions, as wildlife seek some green pick in the table drains.

It is nice to cross an old timber bridge, as there aren't many left.

And to finish off, the obligatory windmill photo.

It really was a great day out.  The weather was perfect for riding, the scenery was spectacular, we ate well and the company was enjoyable.  You can't get much better than that.


  1. As you say - all the ingredients for a great day out! Everything looks very dry indeed - we are still having lots of rain over here in NZ. Love the interesting letterboxes on the side of the road.

  2. A great day..... lots of things I love, old wooden bridges, rusted houses and rows of mail boxes...
