Monday 22 February 2016

Our First Day on Tassie

Our first day in Tassie saw us travel west from Devonport along the coastline.

This pretty little navigation beacon was just near where we had breakfast after getting off the ferry.

Of course, a coastline is where you find lighthouses, which I enjoy finding.  This one is at Mersey Bluff in Devonport.

These are the rocks they are highlighting.

As we trundled along we came upon a sign for Sunday Markets in Don.  They were just small markets, but we were able to buy some nice fresh food for our dinner last night. Over the road from the markets was the Don Railway.  We were too early to go for a ride, but there were some lovely old trains in the yard.

Further along we noticed another interesting sign, so another detour was required.  Research is our excuse.

The swap meet was only tiny, but nice to have a wander around.  

Back on the road we enjoyed the coastal scenery.

We've noticed beautiful flowering trees.  The clusters of blossoms were full of bees, until I tried to take a photo.

The stands so paperbarks are also rather stunning.

We stopped at the little town of Penguin.  It really is a great little place.  I don't think you would find a prettier church than this.

Nearly everyone there was getting a photo with the penguin, each taking turns to lend their camera to someone.

We found another lighthouse up on Table Cape.  They look so good against a blue sky.

Lunch was fish and chips at the wharf at Wynyard. It was a rather pleasant way to spend time.

After our lunch we started to see lots of fire trucks.  There are some serious bushfires in the west of the state. Apparently a big back burn was to take place last night.

We visited Stanley very briefly. With another small lighthouse.

the Nut is the famous landmark. We drove around the back of it to the wharf.

The water was so clear and blue.  We will visit Stanley again today. No have a better look.

Last night we were based at Smithton.  We went on a terrific tour, but I'll do a separate post on that.


  1. I love it when you take us on your travels. You fit a lot into one day and saw so many wonderful places. It looks as though the weather was perfect.
