Friday 17 April 2015

What’s Next?

Late last year, when I was browsing Pinterest, as I do, I came across a small TO DO list in a frame here.  It was a case of “keep it simple stupid”.

I have so much that I want to do – a list a mile long. It becomes somewhat overwhelming, so I end up ignoring it and not achieving much at all, if anything.

I have the best sewing space I have ever had in this little house we are in now, so thought it would be a great opportunity to try a “little” list.  Just a few things each month, so it would be achievable.  I might actually feel good about ticking them ALL off.  But I didn’t want it to be a “TO DO” list.  I wanted it to be a bit gentler than that, not so bossy sounding. But I did need boxes to put a big fat tick in when finished.

This is the simple solution I came up with.  “What’s Next?”  The frame is just a 6” x 4” frame from the $2.00 shop.  I printed out  the backing on my computer, so nothing flash at all.  It will never make it on an organising blog, but you know what, it works.

April 2015 008

It sits nicely on my chest of drawers which hold fabric.  Not too intrusive, but easy to refer to.

New Zealand 3 Feb 15 018

January actually had quite a long list.  I couldn’t share it at the time as a few of the items were still secret squirrel.  The best bit is that everything ended up with a tick against it.

New Zealand 3 Feb 15 017

We were going to be away for most of February, so it only had the one task.  March had quite a few items, and as you can see, I fell down rather badly.  Not to worry. They will go back on the big list for another time.  The missed items will eventually get done, just not yet.  We were away for a couple of weeks and priorities change.

April 2015 007

April has ended up fairly long as well.  It looks more than it is.  Some are quick, easy tasks, but they are there to keep them fresh in my mind.  Some are just a step in a project, such as the table mat hexies for our project from Nundle.  I’ll just nibble away at it over time.  Also, some more have already been ticked off since I took this photo.

April 2015 035

Chookyblue has just posted about her To Do boards.  Hers are much prettier than mine, and also quite a bit larger.  She shared the fact that she uses Liquid Chalk markers on the glass.  I will have to track some down, as I do like the look.

I’m liking my little list.  It is working for me, however, I’m sure I will tweak it over time.  I’m already thinking I need to make a spot for the month, not just add it to the top like now.  Maybe print it on pretty paper?  We’ll see.

1 comment:

  1. so good having my list in front of sits on the piano so I can always see it from my lounge spot.......I need things in my face all the time.......such a good feeling crossing things off and updating it with new projects.......
