Saturday 18 April 2015

A New Season, a New Look

This was our bedroom at our old house.  It was rather spacious with a nice view out the window into the trees outside.  Around to the right of the photo there is a large Edwardian wardrobe and a walk in robe.  It was lovely and restful. 

Bed 1

Our bedroom in the house we are in now is decidedly smaller – just wide enough for the bed and beside tables.  It is also painted Antique White USA.  I never thought I’d be in a white room.  However, we painted the room  for rental purposes before we decided to live here until our house is built.

We have nice big built in wardrobes and there is a little nook to the side, perfect for “Victoria” to reside.

December 2014 083

There is even room for the big wardrobe and the blanket box at the end of the bed.  No room for the dressing table or treadle sewing machine, but that is fine. One change we made that made the world of difference was not using the foot of the bed.  It just slides in under the ensemble, so was easy to put away for the time being.  I had to hang our Wedding Sampler that Mum made for us all those years ago.

December 2014 086

I loved the look of our bedroom in the summer.  It was really calming walking into this space.  Yes, I do like the white walls and we will use this colour (or lack thereof) in our new house.  It is good being able to try before you buy, so to speak.

Now for the change of season.

Seeing it is now autumn, I changed the quilt to the first one I  ever completed, back in the autumn of 2003.  Yes, I even stitched the label.  This class was at Anni’s shop when it was really new.  Kate Foody was my teacher.

April 2015 021

What a difference it has made.  Rather than being a calm room to enter it is now really snug and cosy.

April 2015 015

Victoria even has her winter scarf on.

April 2015 019

I had to laugh the other day when Mick made the bed.  It was a cool morning so he tucked everyone in.  Awww! Meet “Big Ted”, “Ted” and “Golly”. “Garfield” just sits on the bedside table. 

April 2015 017

Mind you, the weather has turned rather warm this last week, reaching the mid 20s.  I think it may be the last hoorah though, as it is forecast to be cool again next week.

By the way, there are lots of scraps from this quilt making an appearance in Nature’s Journey.


  1. What a difference a quilt makes! I still use my first quilt too.

  2. What a lovely quilt. I love the ribbon border. :-)

  3. Thats a nice quilt story Janis... Tell Mick that he cares for bears...

  4. How cute is the bed with everyone tucked in there! Hey I remember Kate she still there?

  5. How cute is the bed with everyone tucked in there! Hey I remember Kate she still there?

  6. What a lovely room :-)
    We also changed with the seasons. A warmer heavier quilt and an extra blanket. But my bear still flies through the air, with the greatest of ease! Tony is not as kind to bears as Mick.
