Tuesday 31 March 2015

March Finishes

Just a very quick post this evening, as the deadline for OPAM looms nigh…..

My finishes were both for the swaps at Girls Day in the Country. 

Firstly, for the “Make it, Bake it or Fake it” swap I prettied up a couple of more tea towels and then added some measuring cups and spoons to go with them.

Nundle to Qld March 2015 010

The second one was any item with the selected Lynette Anderson Stitchery included.  I made a little project pouch.  I have one similar which is really handy.

Nundle to Qld March 2015 012

I have been doing some other stitching, but no finishes to report. 

I’ll be back soon to share my Nundle photos and our trip north for the last week or so.


  1. Hi Janice i love those tea towels and the project holder is so cute,well done on your finishes xx

  2. Very pretty swap goodies. The teat owes were lovely.....too nice to use.

  3. Such lovely and handy gifts!!

  4. very nice finishes...massive well done

  5. Lovely gifts Janice. It was so nice to see you again.
