Sunday 15 March 2015

An Outing on Olga

We went for a ride on Olga the Old Girl today. 

That may not sound very thrilling, but we haven’t been for a ride since early November, except when Mick brought her into town from our old house.

We had to find helmets, gloves, intercom cords etc.  They had all just been stashed when we moved, but all were fortunately located.

The ride was just a short one, joining the Historic Car Club for a picnic by Chifley Dam.  It really was a lovely day for it.  I even achieved a little stitching on Nature’s Journey while sitting in the sun chatting.


This was our first chance to get out of town since our move and we were shocked to see how very dry everything is.  No, we aren’t stupid, we knew it was very dry, but this was the first time we had seen it first hand.  We were so lucky with the timing of moving into town.

Anyway, back to our ride, after lunch we took a detour on the way home and called into the O’Connell Cafe for coffee and cake.  A rather lovely way to finish off.


Hopefully, we will be able to join in the runs a bit more now that we don’t have as many garden and yard and paddock commitments, which is the whole idea.


  1. Hello I'am Chris !
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  2. It's great to see Olga out and about.We're coming into perfect Autumn weather for day trips. I wonder if everything looked extra dry after spending time in green NZ.

  3. the first comment is spam.......

    glad you enjoyed a day out on olga.........

  4. Nice day out. I agree with the earlier comment.....NZ is so incredibly green that our countryside looks terrible by comparison. Even with the rain we've had its still very dry here too. I am looking forward to less yard and paddock commitments too.....but I'm counting in years!

  5. Oh Janice you are so gong to enjoy your new life in cool! What a sweet little cafe at O'Connell!

  6. Hi Janice!
    So much changing - I've just spent time catching up and wanted to say congratulations on your move!
    May you be blessed with all you need to and even more to share in your new home!
