Thursday 4 February 2010

Tea Cosy Treasure

I have this suitcase full of old doileys and hand towels that I have collected over the years.  Some get used, but most just sit there.  I can’t pass the lovely workmanship (or should that be workwomanship?) that has gone into them, only to be discarded.  Often I tell myself I’ll do something with some of them, particularly those that are damaged or stained, but until now I never have.

Remember I showed you my recent purchases here.  Well, tonight I found some cream homespun and sewed this shape.


Then I found some stuffing and made this.


For this finished product.  A lovely squishy little cushion for our lounge chair.  The colours are perfect.


The tea cosy would have just languished in the suitcase, never to be seen again.  I marvel at tea cosies that aren’t padded.  What was the point of them? This one has seen much use and the embroidery and crochet edge is quite worn on the reverse side.  It was so very quick and easy to make.  The crochet along the bottom edge had a row of eyelets which were perfect for sewing it together inconspicuously.

A finish for the month and I also used what I had.  Bonus.

By the way, I can’t wait till Sunday.  The Historic Car Club is hosting the Bathurst Swap Meet.  It is one of the biggest and best Swap Meets in the state (not that we are biased) so there is a huge variety of bric-a-brac and car and bike related stuff.

We will be down there all weekend setting up and doing our bit to help.  That will also include having a good look at all the stalls. We had planned on having a stall ourselves to declutter a bit, but that hasn’t eventuated, so we will probably just bring more stuff home.


  1. Cute house cushion! Enjoy your swap meet!

  2. Love it!! What a wonderful 'second life' your tea cosy has now. :-)
    Enjoy the swap...hope you find treasures!

  3. Lovely!!
    It looks right 'at home' there on the lounge :)
