Sunday 1 September 2024

The Rest of August

 I still have a few things to share about the rest of August.  Looking at my non stitching goals, I wasn’t as successful as with my stitching.

I didn’t read a book and I have only written one post about our trip to the Isle of Man.  I must do something about that very soon.

Surprisingly, especially to me, I actually tried three new recipes this month.  The first two were only so so, but the third was a resounding success.

You see, we have a rather prolific rhubarb plant.

Therefore, when I saw a recipe called Rhubarb Pudding it had to be tried out.  It is quite a dense texture, using a lot of almond meal, but was delicious.  Next time we will add more rhubarb.  Yes, there will be a next time.

Of course, you have to add ice cream.

While on the food front, after attending the high tea, the following Saturday I attended an afternoon tea party for a sewing friend’s significant birthday.

Oh my!  It was as fancy as any high tea you would attend at a restaurant, and all home catered.  We drank from fine china, the food was presented on beautiful tablecloths and doilies.  There was a lovely selection of teas in beautiful pots and under cute cosies. And the food was to die for.  It was a very special afternoon.

Nice afternoon teas seem to have been a theme this month, as we then had a good friend visit us for afternoon tea.  It was a good excuse to bring out our nice china and was warm enough to sit outside on the verandah.

It was also a good excuse to bake a slice that we haven’t made for many years.  We should make it more often.

It was also a good excuse to pick some pretty little flowers.  When looking for a suitable vase, I spied this tiny jug.  Mum gave it to me when I was in primary school and this is the first time I have ever used it as a vase.  It normally just sits on my little shelf on display.  It’s only taken about fifty years.

The weather has been rather warm for this time of year over the last week or so.  The garden is rocketing away.  Our little plum trees are in flowers.  Let’s hope they do better than their predecessors, which did no good, which is surprising for what is normally a very easy tree to grow.

The warm weather has also come with some rain and even a storm or two.  The sky one evening was rather impressive.

The local swap meet was held a week ago.  We didn’t have a stall, just went along for a look see.  I was happy to find this Singer tin at a very reasonable price.  The tin was in excellent condition.  It is a Godzilla Tin.  They originally came with a nice selection of accessories and an instruction book.

While the tin itself was in great shape, the inside was not.  I have already thrown out an extremely rusty wide hemmer foot.  (I have another one.)  It will clean up enough for me, as let’s face it, the closed tin will just be on display on a shelf.

I didn’t buy the cute little Singer oil can for $75.  That’s for a serious collector, not me.

Finally, yesterday we went out to the tiny village of Burraga, in the Oberon area, to attend the Burraga Sheep Show.  This also doubles as their agricultural show, with pavilion exhibits.  

Sadly, this year the exhibits, both inside and outside, were way down on the last time we attended, which was quite a few years ago.  Also there were very few visitors.

As a consequence, we didn’t stay long and went into Oberon to have lunch at a nice cafe.  It was still a very pleasant drive, seeing all the countryside looking so very green and lots of wattle and blossom trees putting on a show.

And that about wraps up August and winter.  Where is the year going?  Now to look forward to September and spring.


  1. What a lovely high tea. A great way to celebrate. I love your wee vase a very special memory. I have yet to try your rhubarb recipe, it's very similar to a keto version I found yesterday. Our rhubarb is not as far on as yours yet, but there is enough there to make himself a cake or three. LOL

  2. A yummy high tea, good find with the tin, and yes there are lots trees flowering here too

    1. Don't know why it said anonymous, it's Jude, blogger is doing some strange things lately

  3. Oh that rhubarb pudding does look nice and the special high tea was amazing. I think it was set out better than many at posh hotels….
    Such a sweet little jug , good to see you using it for the violas and snowdrops….

  4. Oh my, just look at that laden table for your quilting friend's big birthday. I will have a significant birthday next year and I'm thinking how I want to celebrate it. With nice tasty food, I expect.

  5. That food looks delicious! I have a recipe for Rhubarb Custard Slice, if you would like it.

  6. Delicious looking food! The plum tree looks promising.

  7. Thats a fairly busy month, the high tea looks fabulous, pretty as well as tasty!

  8. Lovely little Singer tin. The birthday tea looks amazing and all those tea cosies are so cute. xx
