Thursday 16 May 2024

Another Adventure - Canberra - Getting There

Now that we have “Frank” the Fuso truck, it’s time  to get out and about once again.  We have been wanting to play the tourist in Canberra for a little while, so last week was the perfect opportunity, as we had nothing on.

We headed down last Wednesday, leaving perfect autumn weather.  However, most of the leaves have now fallen from the trees around here.  As we travelled further south, it clouded over.  

Our first stop was at Boorowa for an early lunch.  A feature of the streetscape is their Anzac Memorial clock tower.

Check out the unusual markings on clock face.

One shop has a beautiful old facade.

There is a historic advertising sign on the side of that building.  I remember Pelaco shirts, as some of my work shirts from my first job were that brand. Yes, they made lady’s clothes as well.

As we neared Canberra we started to see scattered showers in the surrounding hills.  This was the main weather pattern for most of our stay.

We arrived at our destination in the early afternoon.  The caravan park we stayed at was very easy to find, without having to tow the van through the city.  It is only a few years old and rather stark.  There are next to no trees and it is very flat and featureless. We think it would be rather hot during the summer time.  Having said that, the sites are nice and roomy, easily accessed and flat.  The amenities and camp kitchen are wonderful.  There is also a section geared up for bus loads of school kids coming down for their excursions to the capital.  The weekly farmers markets are located directly over the road.  For our purposes, you couldn’t have got much better. 

Our first task that afternoon was to find a phone shop, as Mick’s phone decided that the battery had had enough on the night before we left.  It is a bit of a challenge to find parking spots in the city for Frank, as he is too high to go into underground car parks.  We did find a suitable spot and found the Telstra Shop easily.  The assistant was very helpful and Mick was all set up, ready to use his new phone, in no time.  An expensive little souvenir of our trip.

That evening we caught up with one of my old school friends for dinner in a nice old pub.  The perfect way to start our little holiday.


  1. You are following in our much looks familiar! We use the Telstra shop at Gungahlin, rather than go into the city.

  2. Pity the weather didn't play along & sorry to hear that Mick had to get a new phone. We know that feeling only too well, especially with the dratted new PC which is still baffling me & why no blogging happening. Look forward to see more of your adventure. Take care & hugs.

  3. A great start on your trip.

  4. I love visiting Canberrra.....o much to see and do. I hope that you were able to navigate your way around all those "round" roads. Peter and I were nearly divorced in Canberra all over the War Memorial which we kept driving past but could not find the turn.

  5. intriguing architecture, wonderful vistas....pretty sure it was a wonderful excursion

  6. I look forward to your next episode. I'm hoping to go down for the quilt show in the next few weeks but will be staying in a motel.

  7. Lovely.... have a great time...

  8. lovely trip, I love Canberra.
    That shop facade is so pretty. Lovely snapshot of times gone by.

  9. Always fun travelling along with you.
    The clock face is perfect for the memorial.

  10. id say lucky he got the new phone given the next adventure.......
