Monday 12 February 2024

So Much for Will Power…….

I was going to be so good this year and only use my stash.  Well that lasted for one whole month.  I suppose that is better than nothing.  Right?

So, I had to pop out to Spotty yesterday to buy some more thread, which is definitely allowed, and I just happened to see some new low volume fabrics that would work beautifully in scrappy backgrounds.  I have used quite a bit of my stash of that style of fabric, particularly with pink and blue, so I succumbed and bought some, as they were 40% off.  Otherwise they would have stayed on the shelf.  Sadly, they didn’t have any of the little heart design in blue, but you can’t win them all.  They will get used at some stage or other.

I also noticed this watery looking fabric, which will be perfect for the background for some of the Rainbow Scrap Challenge fish blocks.  Yes, I know, so much for only using stash.  At least it will be used, and not just added to the stash.  That’s my reasoning anyway.

Then these two batik fat quarter bundles jumped into my arms at 50% off.  Why?  I don’t sew with batiks.  Well, my brother loves his fishing and I reckon the fish quilt I am making would be ideal for him for Christmas, but not in the very bright colours I am using on my present version.  A more muted version in batiks would be more appropriate.  This wasn’t just something I thought of while in Spotty, but when I saw the bundles I decided to go ahead with my idea. 

I’ll probably need to add a few more colours into the mix for both the background and the fish, but I will try to still keep my batik fabrics to a bare minimum.

I think I will try to prep the fish appliqué for the first four months and then take them to Scrub Stitchin’ to do the actual stitching. Appliqué is such a good project to work on there.

I suppose after that little lot I had better get stitching.


  1. It doesn't count as adding to the stash if you buy it with a specific purpose in mind. It is being bought because it is needed.

  2. Oh what great pile of low volumes , I’d buy them too.
    And the Batiks will make perfect fish….

  3. I'm with Jennifer in that sometimes it is needed for a particular purpose & that doesn't count. I quite often need blenders for the stupid amount of floral fabric I accumulated during the 80s/90s which I do call my superannuation stash & it is slowly being used. Take care & hugs.

  4. lovely acquisitions there...and oh those gorgeous...went to a shop once that had rows and rows of hard to choose just a few and could not buy some of every one...

  5. You are doing your bit to keep the economy moving!!!!! Good idea to buy when on special and especially when earmarked for projects. Looking forward to seeing your batik fish.

  6. LOL I agree with Jennifer, they are not going in to stash, so they don't count. Our spotty has the same batik bundles on special too. They are so pretty.

  7. It's the attempt what counts...:)...

  8. Sorry but I couldn't help laughing as it's only February!! At least you have plans for them and they are lovely.... enjoy PS.... I have also broken my plan to only use stash - but we do need to add things to the stash to make a project I find....


  9. A purchase on sale now will save an emergency 'dash for fabric' down the track.
    I'm working on 'Scrap Busting' through my stash at present but there is always a need for background neutrals etc.

  10. Drooling over every piece you bought!! I was completely in the same mind set as you, but this time of year just seems to have a lot of sales. Why pay full price when there are deals on things you love and will use. It speaks to our souls.

    I have been just as guilty lately. Perhaps I should share a purchase post and my rationale behind those buys. I actually received two packages in the mail just today from two different vendors. I have a couple more on their way. Opening them is way better than Christmas!

  11. Wonderful purchases, I agree it is all bought for a purpose.
