Sunday 14 January 2024

Farewell Joey

 We had to say goodbye to our beautiful Joey on Friday.  


October 2007 - 12 January 2024

Joey had been having trouble with his teeth for a little while, and despite his advanced age of sixteen, we elected to have some removed.  Where the vet expected to find an infection, it revealed cancer in the jaw.  He picked up for a couple of days before rapidly declining.  He is now at peace and no longer in pain.

One of my first blog posts was to introduce Joey and his brother Felix. They were three weeks old when this photo was taken.  I can’t believe how tiny he was.  When we went to select one kitten we ended up with two.  Felix died from snake bite when he was three.  Joey was bitten by a snake in May 2009, at just eighteen months old, but we were able to get him to the vet in time to save him.

I love this photo of him from his first Christmas.  Just as well he didn’t try it again.

A little different to his last.  He grew into a rather large cat.

For the first seven years of his life he was a full on farm cat, being both inside and outside, as he wished.  He loved sitting with the chooks, but was also a rather efficient hunter, to the extent that he was on death row after bringing home an owl!  Luckily for him, we were just about to move back into town, after which he was a 100% inside cat.  We wondered how he would go, but he settled down to that lifestyle very well.

As soon as Mick ever lay on the couch, Joey would leave wherever he was and settle on top of him.

He was an avid sports fan, keeping Mick company whenever he was watching the footy or cricket.

Not that he didn’t like sitting on my lap as well.  He shared his love between us.

Of course, he was an excellent quilt inspector, maintaining this role, right up until the end.

He was a great help in the sewing room too.  This is one of my favourite photos.

It has been a bit quiet and sad around here for the last couple of days.  This is the first time we have been petless, having brought home our first kitten only a week after we set up house together in the mid eighties.  We won’t get another pet at this stage.  That will be a decision for further down the track.  We will see how we go.


  1. Sorry about Joey. It’s always a hard time and we all miss our pets. Take care.

  2. Lots of hugs 🤗. Joey had a happy long life and you have many great memories.

  3. so sad for both of you. He was a good age and very well loved.

  4. Always so sad to lose a pet, they are members of our family. He had a good and happy life with you and Mick and I'm sure he is hunting once more.

  5. Now need a tissue.........glad to have met him & I so understand how you must be feeling. RIP Joey. Take care & hugs.

  6. So sorry to hear about Joey, Janice, they sure do leave a big hole in your heart.

  7. How sad, such a lovely tribute to Joey. They give us so much joy and love, bu then comes the time to say goodbye.
    It took us two years from loosing Muffy till we got Gemma. You will know when you are ready again, or not.

  8. So sad.....pets are such a big part of our lives.

  9. I am sorry to read about Joey. You did a good job telling us about him in your lives.

  10. Sorry to hear about Joey. Lovely post about Joey. I will miss seeing him pop up on zoom stitching.

  11. I am so sad to hear about Joey, Janice. It looks like he had the best life with you and there will be quite a gap in your lives for some time. You have written a lovely tribute and have some gorgeous memories (and photos) of him. xxx

  12. So sorry to hear about Joey, pets play an important part in our lives
