Monday 11 December 2023

December Stitching - So Far…

Considering we are only at 11 December, I’m pretty pleased to have a few finishes already.

Firstly, I completed a secret project, so nothing to share there as yet.

Then, as I was catching up with some friends for a very leisurely, if rather warm, lunch yesterday, I had to make sure that I had completed their little Christmas gifts.
The two lace coathangers have now been gifted.
This morning I completed my One Monthly Goal, the Sashiko Celtic Christmas Tree, which is now hanging in the lounge room.
It has some bling added to it.  In the photos of the project, it had red, but when the kit arrived it had silver iron on diamantés.  I wanted red, so bought some scrapbooking ones, but was worried about how durable they would be.  In the end I went and bought some little beads and am much happier with the result.  It’s good to have this one finished in time for Christmas.  I will be linking up with Stories From My Sewing Room later in the month.
The other little finish was huge……..  I stitched a little cross stitch Christmas bell last year.  It had come as a magazine mini kit.  It took so long to transform it into an ornament.  I think the bit that took the longest was getting out the bag of stuffing from its hides hole.  It’s nice to have added it to my hand made decoration tree.
I have done a little more on my spiked granny squares, but not a great deal.  There are now nine squares completed and another on the way.

After I threaded in all the ends I had a little pile of colourful offcuts and had an idea.  Years ago I was in Spotlight after Christmas and they were getting rid of all their left over ornaments for 10c an item.  A few came home, including a pack of six clear baubles that you could fill with things.  At the time I did fill one, but have never done anything with it. 
I hunted them out and voila, a cute and colourful bauble.  
The one I made all those years ago is now also on the tree.  Nowhere near as colourful, but nice just the same.  The snippets are from when I made my sewing machine cover and mat.  I’ve just scrolled back through my blog.  That was in 2009!!!  I knew it was a while ago, but didn’t realise it was that long ago.  Oh well, it is good to have used a couple now.  I’ll have to come up with other ideas for the remaining four baubles for next year.

That little lot has ticked quite a few things off the list for this month, but I still have a couple of other projects I want to work on.  We’ll see how we go with them.


  1. What about your cut off threads for a bauble.

  2. Loving all your finishes and a good idea using the beads for the Xmas tree hanging, What a fun way of using all the titbits from fabric & yarn makings in the baubles. You've given me an idea too.........I'll tell about it soon. Thanks for sharing, take care & hugs.

  3. Good to get some ufos finished already

  4. Great ideas for the baubles. Well done on all your finishes so far.

  5. Well done with the lovely finishes.
    I like Jos idea of saving your threads 🧵 for another clear bauble.
    I have a small jar filled with threads in my Cave.

  6. Well you have achieved a lot more than me. Cute baubles, I have a few of those somewhere, filled with cross stitch off cuts.

  7. Those coathangers are a great gift.....we sell so many of them at the hospital auxiliary stall all year round. I would never have thought that snippets of wool and fabric would look so festive. Nice work on the wallhanging. That is a very effective centre on the granny squares.

  8. So enjoyed this post and got some good ideas from it as well. Have I asked already where to get that Celtic tree pattern. I just love it. How neat to have your stitching represented on the tree. So love those granny squares all together too. And what a great job on making your sweet cross stitch into an ornament.

  9. I really like the sashiko christmas tree........
