Tuesday 23 May 2023

My Gifts from Lou

I was trying to tidy my sewing room yesterday, as it has been complete chaos.  While packing away stuff from Scrub Stitchin’ I realised that I hadn’t shared the beautiful gifts that I received from Lou when she and Tony recently visited.
Firstly, there were two stunning Biscornu.  Lou’s cross stitch projects are always gorgeous and I feel privileged to have a few here in my home.
The underneath sides are just as beautiful as the tops.
I was also gifted a cross stitch kit of a New Zealand bird.  It is lovely on the green background.  Maybe Lou is trying to encourage me to do more cross stitch, which is definitely on my wish list.
The other little thing to share is my Christmas gifts that Lou posted in plenty of time for Christmas, but got lost in the mail.  Fortunately, it was returned to her and she was able to deliver it in person.  A cute hexy ornament and also some ornaments from the Isle of Man.  Lou knows that I am rather fond of her home island.  I’m nearly going to have to have a Christmas tree dedicated to all my Isle of Man ornaments.

So what did I give Lou?
I shared her kitten mini quilt at the end of last month.

This is the only one I took a photo of.  If you pop over to her blog, she has shared more photos.  It is such fun being able to share with a special friend.


  1. Wonderful presents Janice, you both are so clever!

  2. Such beautiful gifts. Quilty friends are the best!

  3. Lovely gifts from Lou - but I adore the kitty!

  4. Beautiful gifts you received from Lou.
    Love the kitty in the box wall hanging you made for Lou.

  5. yes her stitching is lovely....and dress? comfort comes before style and not just in the dictionary...LOL

  6. Lovely to share grifts with special meaning to them....

  7. Love, love, love my cute kitty. He has a hanger now and is on the wall. It is fun to exchange gifts.

  8. Lovely gifts. I've made a few biscornu and they are a lot of work. Lucky you! :-)

  9. Lou's stitching is gorgeous - the biscornu are gorgeous - lucky you alright! The Kotuku kit is lovely - yes, you do have to pull out your cross stitch needles and get started on that one!!! So good that the mislaid parcel ended up in your hands in the end :-) And the kitty you made is beautiful - I have seen the pattern on pinterest lately - hmmm might be a rabbit hole I need to go down (or a cat-door I need to go through!)
