Tuesday 25 April 2023

Scrub Stitchin’ - Part 2

Thursday was our first full day of chatting, stitching, eating……

Firstly, it was time to see what was in those spotty bags on the tables.
Lots of lovely goodies.  This year there was an Australiana theme to everything.  Of course there was our mug for the weekend.  This time Australian native flowers.   Mine has a Waratah.  There were some chocolates, a calico bag with Scrub Stitchin’ 2023 on one side and on the other side is a list of all the attendees and where we came from. There was also a sweet little pincushion and two patchwork fridge magnets.  The project this year was designed by Anni Downs.
Here’s a better look at the project.  A drawstring bag with a rather appropriate saying “No matter where they are… friends are never far”.  I’ll have to endeavour to have it completed before our next year’s get together.
While I’m at it, I did make another purchase from Deb’s pop up shop.  I have heard good things about these scissors for some time, so thought I’d treat myself.
Also, Judy had brought a rather loaded car, as she had some items for sale and was delivering some purchases from her recent breast cancer fund raiser.  She delivered a layer cake that I had purchased.  Now to decide what to make with it.

Once again, I have borrowed some photos from the group.
A highlight is always still warm scones baked by Chooky’s Mum for morning tea. 
I was back on task with my Moda Love variation and had the second section completed by lunch.  The second round is made from 5 inch squares and with the border is now 32 inches.  Jo’s stunning storm at sea quilt that she was working on is in the background.
After lunch it was a visit to the van to lay it out on the ‘design bed’ to work out the next round, as I was running out of room. This round uses 10 inch squares and brings it up to 72 inches square.
As the afternoon drew to a close, we were treated to a lovely sunset.

After dinner, there were a few projects reaching the finish line.
Deana with her braid quilt.
Judy with her Moda Love.
Susan with her I Spy.

I finished my Moda Love variation, all except the last 2 inch outer border before it was time to head off to bed.  No photo at this stage.

My plan was to then add the final border in the morning, after which I would be more relaxed with my stitching, take photos and just do a bit of this and that at the machine.

I felt a little bit of a head cold coming on, so in the morning did a RAT test……..and tested positive to COVID!!! Blast!!!!!  Not what was wanted.  We could have packed up and headed home, but as we were in the caravan and not a cabin and the weather was beautiful, we decided to stay and I would remain over at the van, sitting in the sun.  Fortunately, I only had very mild cold like symptoms and Mick surprisingly didn’t catch it at all.

More soon….


  1. It was not so good for you being the first to 'go down', at least I had left camp before 'it' happened to me!!

  2. love your version of Moda love that you made....the weather was beautiful....we didn't need to turn the air con on at all in the room........
    Bugger about c........ruined some on the fun for sure.....

  3. also glad you like the goodies in the bag.....

  4. The goody bag was amazing.
    Such a shame you got the virus, but great that you stayed on and sewed with us in a socially distant way. I know I enjoyed sitting with you while working on my cross stitch and I know you had lots of other visitors too.

  5. wow great post with so many photos...love all those churn dash quilts! hope you are soon on the mend and glad you got to participate as much as possible...

  6. Great to look back on what people made including your quilt Janice. Was great you could stay over in the caravan and people could still visit.

  7. It was great you made the decision to stay, and enjoy the lovely weather and atmosphere. Still love your Moda quilt. Yes, the goodie bags were fabulous!!
