Monday 20 February 2023

The Week That Was

Last week was a fairly quiet one for us, which was nice.

We did have one day out and about, visiting our local art gallery.  I will write a separate post on that, or this will be far too long.

Our garden is now producing a few more tomatoes, but it has been quite a battle beating the blackbirds to the fruit. We have the plants netted, but they still burrow underneath.  The only solution is to pick them as soon as there is the slightest colouring and bring them inside to ripen.
Anyway, this week we had enough to make a half batch of Tomato Relish.  It turned out quite well.  We should be able to make another batch this coming week.  We'll see how we go.
Mick went fishing with my brother and his brother again yesterday and he brought home a few more Redfin.  He has now filleted them (he is getting better at it) and we will be having them for tea tonight.
In the sewing room I have been doing a bit of this and a bit of that.  Just flitting from one project to another.
Last year at Scrub Stitchin' I put a quilt top together using William Morris fabrics.  It is waiting patiently in the "To Be Quilted" pile.  This week I prepared the binding for the quilt, so that I can put the left over fabric away.........which is still waiting to be put away, but at least another step in the quilt was made.
The other project I worked on at Scrub Stitchin' was the Twister Quilt.  I had the blocks joined, but no borders added.  I have now cut the borders and added the first one.  This week I WILL add the second border. I also prepared the binding, ready for when it is quilted.........when I get to that stage.

I have made good progress on my Blue Quilt Dresden sections.  This was my project at both my Wednesday and Friday stitching days.
On Saturday Chooky and Judy co-hosted a Zoom day in aid of Judy's 21st birthday celebrations for her quilting business and also raising funds for breast cancer charities.  She has raised over $3,000, which is truly amazing.
Anyway, I sat in for quite a while and managed to stitch nine Dresden sections.  There are thirty two sections required and I have already completed fourteen.  That is much better than I expected at this stage.
Finally, you know how when there is a job you need to do, but don't really feel the love and you can find any excuse at all to put it off........well that happens to me, anyway.  Unlike many who don't like adding binding, which I quite enjoy, I don't particularly like adding borders, which may explain why the borders have not been added to the Twister quilt as yet.

Well, another of those little squirrels snuck into my sewing room and I have been cutting out a new project. (Now you see why I had to make binding for the William Morris quilt - I need the project box for the new project.)

Let me tell you a story......

Remember way back when, Spotlight in Australia and Joann in the USA released exclusive Denyse Schmidt ranges of fabrics.  I really liked them and went in straight away when they were released and bought 30cm of each fabric and quite a bit of yardage for backings.  I only missed out on a couple of prints that never came to Bathurst.  I was going to use them for a special project, when the right one came along.  I was guessing that was about ten years ago.  Mmmmmm..... it was actually 2011 and 2012.

As you can guess, I haven't used any of that fabric.  I suppose you would now nearly call it vintage.....or just dated.  Anyway, when I looked at them, I still like them a lot.  I look at it that they have been maturing, like fine wine.  They are now nice and mature and ready to consume.

I just found a pattern that I thought they would work well with.  This is what I have selected.  The charcoal fabric is actually a wide back which has a woven looking print on it, which adds a bit of interest.  I have cut the prints and just have to cut the charcoal.  I won't start stitching it straight away, as there are a few other things I need to do first, like add the final border to the Twister quilt.  Did I tell you that adding borders is not my favourite thing to do.  At least by cutting this project out, I have made a start.  

By the way, that is only a very small section of the Denyse Schmidt fabrics I have.  Maybe I need to look for some more projects to use them in.
All those little bits and pieces do mean that I have spent at least my 15 minutes a day in the sewing room.

My tally to date is:

15 minutes days/week = 7/7
15 minutes days/February = 17/18
15 minute days in 2023 = 47/49
Success rate = 95.92%

I’m linking up with Kate at Life in Pieces


  1. This week is looking as busy as last week.

  2. You had a busy week Janice, in the kitchen and sewing room. Is that border on now??

  3. Home made tomatoe relish and freshly caught fish, both so yummy. You have been busy, as usual. I cant wait to get back home from our holiday and say hello to my sewing machine again.

  4. You have got a lot of projects to keep you busy for quite a while. Looking forward to seeing what you use those fabrics for.

  5. You got lots done flitting from one thing to another! love your fabrics you have chosen - looking forward to watching that quilt grow.... tomato relish sounds yum and so does fresh redfin...

  6. I like those fabrics, too, and look forward to seeing what you chose for a pattern. Good week on time!

  7. Nice bundle of fabrics, well matured and ready to use now!!

  8. good to hear of twister progress.......I do hope you bring it this year to SS even if its only a flimsy.......
    I do have some of those fabrics from Denyse......opps are they that old......aging nicely I would say......

  9. I'm not a fan of borders either, I just don't like stitching those long seams. Hopefully you've gotten that chore done and have moved on to your new project this week. Congrats on your great stitching metrics for the year, hopefully that means you've made good progress on a number of projects this year.
