Tuesday 3 January 2023

My January Goals

Having set out my big picture goals for 2023, it is time to get down to the nitty gritty of my goals for January.

Firstly, to my stitching goals.

Happily, Patty from Elm Street Quilts is hosting OMG once again.  I really enjoy this link up, as it keeps me motivated and accountable.  Accountability is a great motivator for me.
After a bit of thinking, I've decided that my goal will be to add the sashings to my Swoon Quilt.  Not a large goal, but I have a bit on this month, so it should be achievable.

Angela from So Scrappy is also continuing to host RSC.  Isn't the logo fun this year. I have a couple of projects that are at the block stage, but will not be playing with them yet.  
The colour this month is dark and bright blue.  I made some HST last year and now need to turn them into blocks for a quilt.  I have four of these four patches to stitch.  
I want to make one, if not two other projects.  I think I have decided on what blocks to make, but it isn't set in stone as yet.  I have pulled these fabrics from my scrap tub.  Many of my scraps are more like crumbs, so I hope to be able to use some smaller pieces in one of the blocks.  I will have to pull some other fabrics as well.  Watch this space.


I think that Swoon fits the bill.

I have picked one of my cut out cot quilts to stitch up.  It should be fairly simple.

As a result of piecing Swoon I have loads of bonus HST.  They will be used in a Leader and Ender project.  I have started pressing some open, but still have to trim them before stitching.  It will be a quilt using all Bonnie and Camille fabrics.

I've made a little start on my second sock.  It should well and truly be finished this month.


My socks should fit this bill.  Maybe more, who knows.


Fingers crossed, I will quilt the donation cot quilt.  This will be my first quilt.

Hopefully, I will make a little progress on my kitten cross stitch.


I'm enjoying this challenge and intend to continue.
I have just discovered that Kate from Life in Stitches actually has a weekly link party.  I think I will try to play along.  Once again.........accountability.
Now for the non-stitching goals.

1.    Read a book

2.    Try a new recipe

3.    Have a fun day out - nothing planned yet, but something will crop up.

4.    Have a motorcycle ride - now the weather is hot, not likely to happen, but you never know.

5.    Use the caravan - not going to happen.

6.     Walk - this is a new goal and something I need to do.  I have made a start.  Now to keep it up.

As I say each time, that little lot should keep me amused.


  1. That all looks doable.
    I told myself I would do the 15 mins a day thing, I set off really well putting in 15 mins on the second churndash quilt. Then on 2nd Jan Chooky called a zoom and I missed my first day. LOL I made up for it today though.

  2. Lots of lovely and interesting goals there. Swoon is lovely. Yes I need to pull the runners on my frequently too xx

  3. All the best with your goals Janice. I have a list, but not making it public.

  4. Good luck on reaching your set goals. I find having a list to tick off is a great motivator.

  5. As you say - accountability is the key!

    I want to join RSC again too - must get my skates on - I had two ideas last year and have now forgotten the first one . . nevermind, something will happen!

  6. I love Kate's weekly linkup. It really motivates me to keep my percent high (even though I am not starting out great).
    Lovely photos of your walk.
