Friday 30 December 2022

Looking Back on 2022

It’s arrived at the time of year when I look back over the last twelve months.  I posted my wishes for 2022 back here.

As predicted, it was quite a year of change, with me giving up work at the end of June, as planned, and Mick winding his work right back, if not completely stopping.  2022 has also been the first year that life has returned to something like normal, after the onset of the pandemic nearly three years ago.  We are both happy with how life has turned out.  

Each month I set myself some goals, which tend to keep me somewhat focused.  Most, but not all, get achieved.

On the stitching front, I only completed one quilt during the year, being the little Woodland Quilt, which I ended up giving to our next door neighbour’s new grandson.
An unexpected addition to my sewing room at the start of the year was “Monique”, the Grace 14+ quilting machine and frame.  I still haven’t tried her out very much, as I’m one of those people that want things to be perfect and I know that will initially not be the case.  2023 will be the year for much practice.
I made a few quilt tops, but rather than sending them off to my quilting fairy, they are sitting in the “to be quilted” queue.  Hopefully, they will be completed in 2023.
After looking at my January post, I realised that I still had two of the Swoon blocks to piece, so that was a task for December.  They will now have sashings added and be added to the “to be quilted” queue, rather than quilt as you go, as originally planned.
It was my wish to finally start on the Blue Quilt.  In the lead up to our big trip, I did lots of preparation and while we were away, completed quite a bit of EPP and the stitchery sections of the appliqué blocks.  It has always been planned to be a long term project, so I am pleased with the progress made.
I completed my Rainbow Scrap Challenge blocks, but still have to make them into quilt tops.
I continued to participate in One Monthly Goal, meeting my goal each and every month.  That is a good feeling.  The accountability certainly works for me.  My goals are often rather small, but as long as they are achievable, taking into consideration whatever else is going on, that is all that matters.
Except for when we were travelling, I completed One Project a Month.  2022 has been the last year that Kris has hosted this.  I thank her so much for all she has done over many years.
Each year I try to do a little knitting or crochet during the winter months.  I excelled myself this year, completing a homespun beanie, a second beanie, a crocheted shawl and a knitted scarf.  I have knitted one sock, just before Christmas, and will knit the second very soon.
I even did a little cross stitch, making a couple of Christmas gifts and resuming work on a very, very old UFO.

In November and December, I decided to set myself a little goal of working on something crafty for at least 15 minutes a day.  Apart from three days, it has worked a treat.
On the social side of stitching, we once again attended Scrub Stitchin’.
I also participated in the Chookshed Stitchers Zoom parties.  The friendship of these ladies is a wonderful thing to be a part of.  Our Zoom days were one positive thing to come out of COVID-19.

I had planned to have a leader and ender project, but other than a few HST, that hasn’t eventuated. 

Likewise, I don’t have any extra donation projects to show for the year.  I have one quilt top stitched and six more quilts cut out, ready to go.  That is still better than nothing. They will be good to practice my machine quilting next year.
On the non stitching front, we did quite a bit of travel with our caravan during the year, travelling to Queensland for New Year, then in April to Scrub Stitchin’.  
After heading home for three days, we were off again to the Mundi Mundi Bash and through some of Victoria.  
A week after I finished work, we headed off for three months travelling through South Australia, Northern Territory and Western Australia.  It was a wonderful trip, visiting such interesting places and learning so much about this vast country we live in.  Having said that, at the end of the three months, we were quite ready to return to our home.  Since then we have had another quick trip to Queensland.

When it comes down to it, it only felt like retirement commenced after we returned home from our travels.  Being away was a great transition, getting work out of our heads, but still being occupied.  We haven’t done anything much since, just taking everything day by day.  It’s lovely not having to set the alarm clock for an early start in the morning.  We definitely haven’t been bored, but haven’t achieved anything ground breaking either, not that we really need to.

My non stitching goals this year were also a bit of fun.

I just had a little tally up.  I read, or listened to, 20 books.  More than for quite some time.

We actually were out on various motorcycle rides four times this year.  That is still very little, but better than the last few years.

We continue to enjoy trying new recipes.

Each month we had at least one fun day out, although, now that I’m not working, often no longer on a Friday.

So, on reflection, 2022 was a good year for us.  We are looking forward to 2023 and whatever it may bring, as we continue to transition to our new, non-working life.


  1. It certainly was a big year for you......retirement, your big trip, meeting your goals both in and out of the sewing room. Looking forward to seeing you and "Monique getting to be good friends".

  2. It was a very Goodyear. It was also great travelling with you too. Thanks.
    Happy New Year

  3. Yes, you have had a lot going on in 2022, especially your 3 month caravan trip! It's always interesting to look back on our stitching and knitting achievements isn't it, sometimes we surprise ourselves!

  4. It was a big year, you both made some big changes and you achieved many crafting, baking and reading goals. You have plenty of time to practice with Monique, then maybe you can get Chooky going on her frame.....

  5. wow so many accomplishments and goals many lovely projects and other events...i'd say you spent every minute of the year doing some fun!

  6. it has been a busy and fun year..... here's to many more... Happy 2023

  7. its been a great year for you.........continue to enjoy retirement.......

  8. Lots of great happenings in that summary, thanks Janice

  9. I am excited for you to have retired. It all sounds so wonderful to make that life change. My time is getting closer.
