Sunday 23 October 2022

Rainbow Scrap Challenge and Zooming Along

After falling behind with my Rainbow Scrap Challenge blocks while we were away, I am now all caught up.  I had my half square triangles completed last week. Now I have my 30s print butterflies and nine patches all done, including a couple extra to make up numbers for the little quilt I am making.
Orange was for August.
Light blue for September.  As there isn’t a great deal of variety of blues in 30s prints, I didn’t do many, as I already have aqua and darker (but not very dark) blue.

October was lime green.  Well, that doesn’t exist and I have already made some green blocks, so this was completely skipped.
To make up the extras, I made a couple of butterflies with two colours and after laying out the blocks on the design floor, decided that another yellow and mauve block would work fine.
So, here it is all laid out.  I can’t stitch them together just yet, as I still have to embroider the antennae on the butterflies, but I consider the RSC section completed for the month.
The Chookshed Stitchers had another Zoom get together yesterday and I actually remembered to take a photo of us.  There was usually about twelve on line at any time, with about thirty joining in during the day.  I had to disappear for most of the afternoon, but enjoyed playing along in the morning and late afternoon.
It’s rather a relaxing way to spend the day…..for all of our household.
The best thing is that I completed ten EPP units for the Blue Quilt.  Much more than I expected to have this month.  I already had made six units in October, so only two more of this unit to go.  Surely, I can get them stitched by the end of the month.  I must say that I am making quicker progress on this quilt than I expected and am really enjoying picking up my little box of tricks and stitching a block or two.

Now that the RSC blocks are completed I can pull out my churn dash blocks and get the top put together, as it is my One Project a Month goal and time is running out.  There’s nothing like a deadline (even if self imposed) to get you stitching.


  1. Sorry to miss zoom, glad you had good day

  2. I luv the block & butterfly combo,this is going to be such a beautiful quilt

  3. Couldn't do Zoom this time - getting a bad reputation I think!

    I decided to skip the second lot of blue for RSC ss my blocks were getting too big - but the orangee is kind of ready to go - but not sure it will happen before month's end . .oh well - as you say "Self-imposed" deadlines!

    I love your blue bits - its a really good shape...might use that idea for something . . one day!

  4. Your butterfly 🦋 and 9patch blocks look lovely and will make a gorgeous quilt.
    I did enjoy joining in for Zoom even for a short while..
    Enjoy sewing your Churn Dash together.

  5. You've had a very productive time. Looks like the supervisor Joey was confident that you could manage well enough.

  6. I wasn't there for long, but it was a joy and uplifted me a lot.
    Your RSC is so cute! It looks like you are getting close!

    Your blue EPP quilt will be a stunner for sure!

  7. great to see you on zoom.........your doing great with RCS and you made good progress on the EPP

  8. The rainbow scrap challenge quilt is looking great Janis. Did every body do a butterfly or could you choose?

  9. very pretty RSC quilt blocks...and your cushions look terrific! too bad about the little machine tho...

  10. Those are darling butterflies. Go great with the nine-patches! Thanks so much for sharing.

  11. Your RSC challenge blocks are going to end up being one gorgeous quilt.

  12. The butterfly and 9-patch blocks in the 30s fabrics make such a pretty quilt. Nice job on those!
    And you made great progress on your EPP!
    It is fun to see where you settle in when you Zoom, and hat the whole household enjoys it together! ;)
