Wednesday 27 April 2022

Scrub Stitchin’ - Make It, Bake It, Fake It

A feature of our retreat each year is the Make It, Bake It or Fake It swap.

I like to make something each time, but always seem to leave it to the last minute, which is not good.  As a result I generally make something simple.  Last year I made a cute little zippy pouch using some orphan blocks and filled it with some bits and bobs.  You can see it here.

This year, I decided to make another one, but with a different design.  I used quilt as you go crumb piecing.  Something quite new to me.
It was fun selecting colourful scraps and making them fit, and doing some rather organic straight line quilting as I went along.
I think I may try this method again.

Once again I filled the pouch with some bits and bobs.

We did our gift swap at the Red dinner on Saturday night.  I had quite a chuckle when I saw my gift being placed in front of Harriet, as she was the recipient of the one I made last year.  She chuckled too.  Fortunately, she was quite happy to receive a second one, as she uses the first one I made and actually had it with her at Baradine.

I commented to her mum, Tina, that I will have to make something different next year, but Tina says another pouch will be fine, so long as she is the recipient.

So what did I receive?  Well, I’m not at home at the moment and haven’t taken a photo, so will just provide a link to show it. The gift came from Annette.  It is one of those very handy stands that you can stick scissors, pencils, quick unpicks etc in. I was very happy to receive it, as it is one of those things that I see and think would be nice to have.  It is also pink, which suits my sewing room and will sit nicely on the shelf above my cutting table.

And that about covers everything from our wonderful weekend away.

And, I now have something to share for One Project a Month hosted by Kris - bonus.


  1. Cute wee pouch, and I'm sure the bits and bobs were very much appreciated too.

  2. cute pouch.......was so funny that Harriet got your parcel again........always fun to see what people get for the swap........

  3. Lovely pouch, you have perfected the new way of making them.

  4. Harriet is right - you can never have enough small pouches.

  5. Cutest bags ever!!! I bet they were so loved by their recipients at Scrub Stitching. The whole affair looks so fun!
