Sunday 9 January 2022

2022 - The Year Ahead

We are now back home from our holidays, so it is time to have a think about the year ahead.  At the start of 2021 we hoped that the year would be better than 2020, but were prepared to expect the unexpected.  That was a pretty accurate description, as last year progressed.  So what for 2022?

If I was to choose a word for the year, which I won't, it would be  CHANGE or ADAPT, as I have a pretty big change coming up and will have to adapt accordingly.

At the end of June I will be giving up work.  I will have been with the same employer for twenty years, so I feel that is a good time to move onto the next chapter of my life.  Mick has been working quite a bit this last year as well. So much for retirement.  They are starting to call him "Johnny Farnham" - with so many comebacks. Hopefully, he will really call it quits then too.  We plan on taking a long caravan trip once I finish up, all things being equal, after which we will have to work out our own "new normal".
On the stitching front I have decided on a few goals, keeping in mind we will be on the road for a while.
I intend to continue to take part in One Monthly Goal, hosted by Patty at Elm Street Quilts.  It keeps me on the straight and narrow.  The goal can be lofty, or quite small.  Just set it and achieve it.
After taking a year off, I will once again join in with the Rainbow Scrap Challenge, hosted by Angela from So Scrappy.  I hope to make some blocks to end up in donation quilts.

I started to work on some donation items last year, and wish to continue along these lines in 2022.

Over the last two years I have joined Cheryll in the WOOFA Challenge to work on or finish a project, or work on something that you have been eyeing off, or have a kit sitting patiently for its turn.  I'm not sure if it is running again this year, but I will endeavour to keep on with the idea anyway.

One Project a Month has been run for the last twelve years by Kris of Tag Along Teddies.  I will once again join in.  
I always have great intentions of joining in with Friday Night With Friends, also hosted by Cheryll, but in the end it is only on a sporadic basis.  The first Friday was this week.  I had good intentions, but after unpacking the caravan, I opened the doors to my sewing room, had a look and then did nothing.  Hopefully next time.

I hope to work on something Christmassy, but won't commit to a monthly goal.

So, what projects do I have in mind?
Swoon is a priority.  It will also be my first foray into quilt as you go.
My next priority is to make a start on this quilt.  It has been waiting patiently for a few years now.  I have all my suitable blue fabrics quarantined, which is a bit of a nuisance at times.  I am not a great hand stitcher, and there is lots in this quilt, therefore it will definitely be a long term project.  The applique will be done by machine, but the stitchery and EPP will be obviously done by hand.  If I have this prepped, it will be a good project to work on while travelling.  I actually miss having a long term, involved project on the go.

I have a few different blocks I wish to make for RSC. Once again, if I get some prepped, they would be good to take on the road.  I will take my baby Elna Stella sewing machine away with us.  There is no needle up/needle down, knee lift or buttonhole stitch, but it will be fine for simple piecing.

It would be good to have a lot prepped, so they can be used as leaders and enders.
I've made a good start on my project from last year's Scrub Stitchin'.  I'd like to have in completed for this year's event.

Like each winter, some crochet or knitting would be good, especially as I now have my new stash of yarn.

I'm sure the list will grow, as the year progresses, but that will do for now.
As far as non stitching goals go, they will continue much as in the last couple of years.

I would like to continue to read at least one book a month, try new recipes, have Friday Fun Day, go away in the van as often as possible and maybe, finally, get out on the motorbike a bit more than the last couple of years.

As usual, it will be interesting to look back in twelve months' time and see how things panned out.


  1. Looks like you have your year all planned out. Good luck with your goals, I'm sure you will achieve them.
    Happy New Year to you and Mick.

  2. A busy year planned for you. Good luck with your goals. Look forward to seeing your swoon & make it blue quilts. Hugs, xx

  3. Good luck with your retirement Janice, sound like you have great projects planned for 2022.

  4. goodluck with your idea what I will do but I'll keep muddling away......I do hope to get my SS project finished also before we meet again......

  5. That’s a good plan for you. I hope it works well. I’m not very good at planning that far in advance.

  6. Good luck on your upcoming retirement and plans...hope it all comes to fruition for you xx

  7. All the best for your retirement and future plans. Looks like you have plenty of goals to work on as you get your new routine.

  8. You’re always good at setting out plans and I wish you well with them all…..
    I also have that book , it has many lovely projects in it…..

  9. You've got a lot of motivational blog spots to land on to keep your needle going. Love your Scrub Stitchin' project. Guess it'll be appliqued to a background square? Keep up the pretty work!

  10. Good luck with achieving your goals and your pending retirement.

  11. I had a giggle, my family have been calling Hubz "johnnie" for the same reason! Lots happening there and lots to enjoy this year..... very exciting for you to have a long caravan trip to plan...

  12. you might find you are busier in retirement than you were working...LOL...

  13. My family just left after 3 weeks... now I can catch up on FNwF... xox

  14. You are off to some fantastic endeavors for 2022!!! Our blogging friends really do move us along and make it more fun!!!

  15. Wow Janis so many goals already. You are so good with that. Sorry i missed you last time. One day we will catch up when you cross the border. Take care
