Thursday 23 September 2021

Spring Has Sprung

Here it is, three weeks into to spring and I've hardly posted at all. That is not to say that things haven't been happening.
Our wattle tree was putting on its best show at the start of the month for Wattle Day.
The fragrance was divine and the bees were loving it.

The weather has been all over the place, as it typically is at this time of year.  We have had glorious days with the temperature up to the low 20s C, only to then have cold fronts come through and it plummet to not even reaching double digits and a dusting of snow on the hills in the district.
The winter display on our little kitchen shelf has been put away.
To be replaced by a more spring like offering.
Our weeping cherry tree, which we have now had for two years, put on a nice show, as did the ring of mixed daffodils around its base.
Back in autumn we visited Canowindra and I bought a packet of white daffodil bulbs.  They are blooming beautifully, with two blooms on each stem, which is unusual.

We have planted our tomato seedlings in pots and they are getting a bit of a start in the green house.  The snow peas are growing nicely, but only three ordinary pea seeds germinated, so they have been replanted and are now just starting to poke their heads through the surface.
The cherry tree blossoms have just about finished now, just in time for the crab apple to put on its show.

What we have really enjoyed is mornings that are warm enough to eat our breakfasts out on the back verandah, which receives lovely morning sun.

In normal times we always say we are not very good at staying home, but it really has been nice to be at home at this time of year.

We have had a few walks, when the weather has been nice, but not as many as we should do.  Living on the edge of town, we can wander through suburbia, or we can head up the hill behind our house and be in among the paddocks.
The view to the west is glorious.
Some gum trees will be covered in blossoms before long.
It's hard to believe that there are suburbs just down behind the first hill.

Well that's enough for today.  I'll share more of what we have been up to shortly.


  1. It’s been lovely wondering through your post to see the beautiful blooms especially the wattle and weeping cherry tree.
    Does it bare fruit?
    Nice new decos for Spring 🌼
    Lovely to be enjoying brekky outside in the morning sun…

  2. what a beautiful post, Janice. Thank you! Everything looks so pretty and fresh there. I've looked at buying a kit from Wattle and Loop who offer a Wattle flower kit...I never knew what Wattles look like and now I know. How wonderful that we now get to see spring while we are slowly moving into autumn.

  3. Your breakfast selections look wonderful, and eating them in warm Spring sunshine would be a nice relaxing start to the day. I love the Aussie wattle trees in flower, not that they are very common here. Our kowhai tree is starting to produce its gorgeous yellow flowers, isnt Spring wonderful!

  4. Happy Spring... & it looks lovely in your part of the state too...xox

  5. Lovely to take a wander around your yard & see all the spring flowers. Beautiful view out to the west. Hugs, xx

  6. How lovely & peaceful - I am certainly a city girl - but it does look appealing. Very jealous of your daffodils

  7. Thank you for sharing your days. I'm in Michigan, USA, and have been mostly staying home for almost two years now, so your blog is almost like traveling to a different place! Different season, different flowers, fabulous vistas -- thank you so much!

  8. Oooh breakfasts at your place look delicious.... lovely seeing the bits in your garden, that weeping cherry is striking. Beautiful area you are in..

  9. your garden is looking pretty......spring has been so pretty this year in the countryside
