Thursday 30 September 2021

One Monthly Goal Check In

It is time to see how I fared with my One Monthly Goal for September.

Back here, where I set my monthly goals, I aimed to stitch all the blocks from the Laundry Basket 2021 Mystery Quilt together.
This is what I started with.
This is what I ended with.  Goal achieved.
I still want to add a border.  There were options of an applique border, or a saw tooth star border, but I am too lazy to go that way. I had originally wanted to add a blue and white toile, that I have had in stash for over ten years, but it looked too washed out.  I have decided that I will use a faded red narrow border followed by the blue, which I have also had in stash for about fifteen years, when I bought it as an end of bolt for about one dollar a metre.  It has been used in lots of thing and I still love it.  I am pleased that this quilt will be made entirely from stash.

I actually had the blocks together a couple of weeks ago and had hoped to have the borders added by now, but that didn't happen.

So, that is all my stitching goals achieved for September.  Staying home definitely helps.

Thanks, as always to Patty.  Pop over to Elm Street Quilts, to see what the other ladies have achieved.


  1. Looking forward to seeing it finished

  2. Your "solved" mystery is exceptional! I especially am impressed with your "aged" stash producing such a beauty!

  3. WOW! Finished Mystery looks great and I really like the border choices....

  4. Love the laundry basket top, looking forward to seeing it ready to go off to the quilt fairy, and looking forward to see it all bound, completed and in a package on my doorstep! LOL

  5. Your laundry basket quilt is coming along well just the borders to go now. You have been on a roll lately it seems, lots of quilty goodness appearing on your blog.

  6. This is a beautiful top and your plan for your borders sound wonderful too, Janice. Happy stitching!

  7. Love your top, it is gorgeous. Hugs, xx

  8. Congratulations that’s beautiful

  9. Beautiful. The narrow red border between the blocks the the blue border will really set the blocks off.

  10. Oh my I love your quilt, the colours work really well, I know Edyta's borders are beautiful but a lot of work!! Look forward to seeing this completed. Thanks for visiting to see mine at Kathryn's Quilts.

  11. Gorgeous quilt top! Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and congrats on your finish!

  12. Love this quilt top so far...the red spacer is the perfect plan...looking forward to seeing the result....
