Saturday 14 August 2021

Stuck at Home

Mick came home with a sniffle on Wednesday and was still snuffly on Thursday morning, so we went and had a Covid test on Thursday morning.  This has become even more relevant, as Covid is starting to be found in regional NSW, with much of Western NSW in lockdown.  Bathurst has still avoided that, despite there being a positive case at the local gaol.  Fingers crossed it does not escape into the community.  The timing was a bit inconvenient, as Thursday is the day I do the groceries and any other jobs around town, as well as visiting Mum.  We had also planned to go to Orange yesterday to take our car up for a recall.  But hey, if that is the biggest inconvenience we have to suffer, life is still good.

We received a message yesterday afternoon to say we should have a result within 48 hours, so we expect to spend today at home as well.  By the way, Mick's sniffles were all gone by lunch time on Thursday, so we are quite confident of a negative test result.

It has just been announced that there were 466 new cases in NSW in the 24 hours up till 8pm last night, about a hundred more than the previous day.  It's getting worse rather than better.

On the upside, after some heavy showers on Wednesday night, the weather has been beautiful here, with blue skies and even some warmth.  It was so nice that I took my stitching outside.
Firstly, I finished off the binding of my Jocelyn Proust Quilt.......finally.
Then, as it was so nice, I took my redwork stitchery outside.  I had intended to complete the block, but after sitting for so long my back became a little stiff, so I called it quits.  I'll get it finished soon.
My next  endeavour was to bake a slice, with Mick's assistance.  This time it was a ginger one.  Yummo!
Yesterday, I spent the day in the sewing room, making another little quilt, from these fabrics.  A bonus was an invitation to join in on an impromptu zoom get together with Chooky and a few of the other stitching girls, which was a nice way to spend the afternoon, while I stitched.

Meanwhile, Mick has been happily filling in his time playing with his new toy, which I still have to tell you about.

Today, I haven't done very much as yet.  I'll go and play with something.


  1. Great sewing. Hope Mick got a negative result back. Great to have a zoom to help out with lockdown.

  2. Hope all went well with the test….
    Nice to sit outside and do your stitching….
    I like the fabrics you’re using for a baby quilt and great to sewing along with friend .

  3. Fingers crossed that this lock down will keep you safe and healthy.
    Looks like a great day to sit out in the sun. We had a similar day, I had windows open and enjoyed the fresh air.

  4. Sending you good vibes for a negative result. Lovely stitching and I am glad the weather was nice for you too xx

  5. by now you are all at home I see... thinking good thoughts for NSW and of course all friends there.... lovely stitching. Weather has generally been lovely here too this week..

  6. Stay safe...& fingers crossed for our retreat...xxxx

  7. Good to hear you finished your binding Janice. The numbers over NSW a scary, shame the lockdown didn't happen a bit earlier. Lovely stitchery and that slice looks yum! Was nice to catch up on the zoom. Hope the test was negative, stay safe.

  8. Fingers crossed for Mick…I’m sure you’ll both be fine!
    Gorgeous little quilt about to happen.

  9. Look forward to hearing about that new toy?
