Monday 30 August 2021

My WOOFA for August

I was digging deep into the unstarted projects box for this month's WOOFA Challenge.
I was going to use these fabrics.
It is interesting that the fabric was put out for The Royal Hortcultural Society in the UK, but I found it at Spotlight way back when.
To make this quilt.  The pattern dates from 2005 and I had the floral fabrics before then.
Then, when op shopping earlier this month, I found another metre of the main fabric, which dates from 2003.  I thought I would be cutting it fine with that particular fabric, so was pleased to find it.

Finally in the middle of the month I made a start and cut out the fabrics.  In then end, I did have enough of the main fabric.  The pattern was only cutting four patches from the width of the fabric and I was able to cut five, so I had a little of my original fabric left well as the additional metre.  No worries, I'll do something with day.
A nice neat pile, ready to sew.
The pattern had a join in the border around the pansies, but I used a partial seam, which gave a much tidier finish.  I then had to snowball all the larger blocks.  For a change, they worked out very accurately.  For such a simple process, I usually have trouble getting points to match when joined to another block.
Of course Joey had to supervise the laying out of the blocks.
My Janome was getting a bit rattly again, so I brought out Mick's Mum's Elna to finish off the top, but it ended up doing silly things with the tension as well.  Time to get both of the machines serviced once it is possible.
I think Joey approves.
I walked away for a minute and came back to this.  Maybe he didn't approve after all.
I had the main blocks together in the weekend, which I was pretty happy about.  The plan was to have a think about what to regarding borders.  In the end I decided that I would just add a narrow border in the same mauve fabric as the background and also bind it in that fabric.  It is a wide back that I bought and there is still enough to do that.  I don't know what I'll use for the backing.  I'll see what I have, or maybe that will have to be another job for when I can go shopping once again.

The grand plan was to finish the top off this last weekend, but I got sidetracked and did no sewing whatsoever..........which turned out to be a good thing.

Look closely at the picture of the quilt top above..........
I had it draped over my cutting table and noticed something odd......
That bottom right pansy block is around the wrong way.  It needs to be rotated 90 degrees.  I'm so pleased I noticed it now, and also so pleased that it is a block that is easily accessible to rectify.  That will be a job for next weekend.

Apart from my little boo boo, I'm really pleased with how simply this quilt came together, after the big, long term projects I have been working on over the last couple of years.

Thanks Cheryll for the encouragement to bring out these dinosaurs and let them see the light of day.


  1. The flimsy looks great.
    Lucky you discovered the boo boo . I didn’t notice till you pointed it out…

  2. Another Lovey Quilt in the making! Fixing that one little OOPS will be easy-peasy. Blessed Be.

  3. Pretty fabric needing to be moved along. Good pick up on the wrong way round block....glad it is easy to access and not in the middle.

  4. It's a beautiful quilt. Sometimes it's good to take on the challenges, but sometimes it's even better to have a quick easy finish.

  5. Beautiful flimsy. Glad that the block that is the wrong way is an easy fix for you. Hugs, xx

  6. That's a wonderful use of your stash...especially when you found more for "just in case"... Glad you found the turned block too.
    We'll ALL be out to the fabric shops once we're allowed...
    so looking forward to that too...xox

  7. Beautiful quilt Janice, thank goodness you found the woops before you went any further. Wonderful to use fabric from your stash.

  8. I so love your quilt. And the UK botanical fabric is gorgeous. Love botanical drawings too. I am using florals and botanicals for my Applecores....always amazes me just how many different fabrics there are in this world! Phew glad uou found your whoops now!

  9. That didn't seem to take you long at all. The top looks wonderful.

  10. Love that botanical print! Well done using up some fabric that has been marinating in your stash for a while. Glad you caught the turned block before it was too late.

  11. So pretty, it took me ages to pick up the error - glad you noticed it.... would be something that would be annoyhing once you knew it was there.... very pretty fabric choices...

  12. Love that pattern, i have a bundle of fabrics set aside to make it too, one day

  13. Janice I absolutely LOVE this pattern and I like that you changed it up a bit by adding the purple flower fabric.....I think I adds a lot of depth to the pattern. I may have to put this pattern on my list of do's!
