Wednesday 21 July 2021

WOOFA Project for July

Today was a lovely sunny day and it was nice to get out of the office for a little while and soak it up, even though the temperature was still quite cold.  As the days are getting a tad longer, it was even a bit light when I headed home, seeing as there wasn’t the cloud cover.  It was worth making the most of it all before the bleak weather returns for the weekend. 

Now to my stitching progress…..

My WOOFA project for July was to finish some bibs and turn this block into a small baby quilt.
As I mentioned previously, it was a test block for the Swoon Quilt that I intended to turn into a table topper, or something.  In the end I decided to make a small baby quilt.

A bit more background....... I participated in a fat quarter birthday swap ages ago and I don't seem to have ever blogged about the fabrics I received.  I'm guessing it was at the beginning of 2015.  Anyway, I had requested Bonnie and Camille fabrics and received a lovely assortment.  I then just added a couple more and have enough to make a Swoon quilt.  All the fabrics, including background, have been waiting patiently in a project box ever since.  They are added to my To Do list every year, and just get carried over to the next year.  Hopefully, as I'm progressively getting UFOs and other quilts completed I may get to it.

Finally, on Sunday afternoon I made a start on the baby quilt.  I had found some thin wadding in a tub and had bought some cute flannelette for the backing, as it would be nice and snuggly.
I started by quilting some vees following the seams and using the hera marker, but it is difficult to see the marks under the light of the machine.
I then decided to use painters tape, which worked really well. I was able to use the tape over and over again. The best bit was that I discovered that the tape was pretty much exactly two thirds of the width between my lines of stitching.  Place the take to the left had row of stitching, then after stitching beside the tape, move the tape to the right side row of stitching and stitch along the other side.  It worked like a dream.  My original intention was to do all the stitching as vees, but when stitching the extra rows through the centre of the quilt I got carried away and forgot to stop to turn for the vee, if that makes sense, and ended up doing a cross hatch through the centre of the block.  No worries, I still like the way it turned out.
My plan was then to hand stitch down the binding on Monday evening.  However, Joey had other ideas.  He was determined to sit on my lap.  More so than usual, so in the end I gave up and he won.
Finally, yesterday morning I made good progress and finished the binding before heading off to work.
Ta da! One cute little 24 inch baby quilt.
I do like the backing fabric.  It suits it well.
This photo shows the quilting a bit better.

I'm really happy with how it turned out.  I'm even considering making the Swoon Quilt (whenever that may be) using the quilt as you go method.  I think it would look good quilted like this.


  1. The quilting turned out perfectly Janice - just as if it was planned that way! What a lovely baby quilt in those soft colours. The Swoon quilt is on my to-do list for One Day as well. And good on you working through your Woofa list - I said I would but haven't got to it yet!

  2. What a lovely finish. And yes, how ironic that we both quilted pretty much in the same way, on the same day too!
    The swoon quilt looks like a good one for quilt as you go.

  3. Great little finish.... backing and quilting is perfect for it....

  4. A gorgeous finish and I really love your quilting. Fun backing too.

  5. Such a pretty little baby quilt, and the cozy flannel backing is perfect! Must say that your cat looks very comfy, they usually end up getting their way, dont they.

  6. Wonderful finish Janjce, love the swoon block, it makes a beautiful baby quiltmand as you say the backing is perfect.

  7. Your Swoon block turned into a cute baby quilt and the quilting looks great .
    Also the backing looks lovely.

  8. Your little quilt looks it.
    AnD your woofa challenge completed too...xox

  9. Love your little quilt, it looks wonderful. Hugs, xx

  10. I so enjoyed this post, Janice. That block is a beauty with that yellow setting it all off and perfect backing fabric as well. I use painters tape quite a lot in quilting and find it works well. I even have used it for hand stitching straight lines. I love Bonnie and Camille fabrics.

  11. A lovely finish. I must investigate using that tape for quilting. I remember getting excited about driving home from work when the nights were starting to get brighter. It gives a promise of Spring being not too far away.

  12. Great quilt and quilting work! I too think the backing was perfect!
