Wednesday 31 March 2021

My Stitching Progress for March - Or Lack Thereof

After setting myself some goals for March that I thought would be very achievable I had a great big fail.

Why?  Well, the fact that we were away for two weeks at the start of the month and then another four days away last weekend didn't help, but I seemed to have lost my motivation.  Why?  I think the chaotic state of my sewing room has a great deal to do with it.  

Oh well, April is another month and I expect that I will pick myself up, dust myself off and venture into the temple of doom, do the ironing, try to excavate my cutting mat and find a home for the plethora of "Stuff" burying my sewing table.  Wish me luck.

Having said that I do have a little to share.

It is hard to tell, but Joey is sitting on my Doiley Quilt that I received back from my quilting fairy at the end of last week, just before we went away.  Therefore, I haven't had time to add the binding.  I am so looking forward to having this completed. Don't you love how cats make a bee line for any quilt placed on the floor and act as if it was there just for their pleasure.  After I took the photo, poor Joey was sent packing.  I don't want cat hair all over it before it is finished.
My One Monthly Goal and my WOOFA Challenge goal was to finish the Scrub Stitchin' bag, ready to take to this year's Scrub Stitchin' the week after Easter.  I needed to applique the EPP panel to the bag, then applique the stitchery before constructing the bag.  All I have achieved is to complete half the applique of the panel.  I still want to have it finished for Scrub Stitchin', and it is quite possible.  Therefore, a fail for OMG, which I am really sad about, but I made a little progress, so a win for WOOFA.  I'll link up over at Cheryll's blog, so you can see what the other girls achieved.
I do have one little finish for Kris' One Project a Month.  I added some trim to a tea towel to cover the stove top in our caravan.  It has turned out rather cute.  It was very satisfying to actually have something completed for the month, especially as it was not on the radar at all.
I had hoped to complete three Christmas blocks, but only complete one.  
I had grand plans of hand stitching for at least 15 minutes each day.  I did too, for the first half of the month.  One needle full of thread each night.  What I didn't bargain on was how much I now rely on my magnifier light for hand stitching.  Therefore, the fiddlier parts of the two other stitcheries have been left until I returned home, when, as I said, my motivation flew out the window.  It won't take a lot to finish these blocks, before working on the next ones.

Oh, and as I can't see my cutting mat, I didn't get my blue quilt cut out.......again......  I will soon, I promise.

So there you go, a little achieved, but not much.  It doesn't matter.  I'll get back to it when I'm in the mood and there is always Scrub Stitchin' in just a week's time to get me motivated.


  1. Oh J don't be too hard on yourself , life happens you set yourself a big ask.
    You normally do heaps. See you soon

  2. I know what you’re going through as I lost all interest in sewing for awhile but it’s slowly returning and yours will too.
    Hope you enjoyed your trip away and I’m sure you’ll love going to Scrub Stitching.....

  3. Must be something about March! The blahs hit or something. At least you had some trips away-a spirit raiser for sure!

  4. Its always nice to get away on a holiday or even two. You've done a little stitching so it's not too bad. Love the caravan themed tea towel, and looking forward to seeing your completed doiley quilt.

  5. Going away in the van will recharge the batteries so the sewing mojo will be refreshed too. I'm sure you'll motor along over/after Easter.
    Good luck with whatever project you work on...
    EnJoY Scrub Stitchin' & say HI to the girls for me too...xox

  6. Sometimes our plans just do not work out Janice and going away in the caravan sounds like a wonderful break for you both. The tea towel made a great stove cover. I am sure you will find the cutting mat and your mojo will return.

  7. The chaos of life stops some plans from happening doesn't it.... but you have achieved in different things ... like catching up with friends... looking forward to seeing the finished (cat hair free) doily quilt and the tea cloth for the van oven looks great... very cheerful....
    have you found your cutting mat yet?

  8. The caravan stove cover is very cute. All the best for getting your other projects done this month!

  9. The project you're working on with the EPP looks very nice indeed! Have a wonderful weekend of stitching!
    Oh, and love the caravan fabric trim on the tea towel. :-)

  10. you can't be motivated all the time - sometimes you need a break - a little break!

    out cat will head for a box if one is left well as a soft quilt.

    Enjoy SS..I'll be thinking of you all...hope the mojo comes home with you!
    PS - good luck finishing the bag.
