Sunday 31 January 2021

January Goals - It's a Wrap

Once again I am setting goals each month to motivate me with my stitching.  Otherwise, it is too easy to not bother going into the sewing room.  You can pop over here to see my goals for January.

I'm happy to report that I  have started the year on a positive note.  Let's see what I achieved.

My goal was to make five Block Heads 3 blocks.  I overachieved and made eight.  The final block for the quilt will be released on Wednesday and I still have four others I need to make.  I can't wait to see this one come together after working on it for just over a year. 

Pop over to Elm Street Quilts to see what the other girls have been up to.


See above.


My goal was to make some progress on the project bag from the first Scrub Stitchin' weekend in 2018.  I had barely started this and hoped to at least have the papers covered and the stitchery completed.
I achieved my goal and started to stitch the rows together as well.  It's good to finally get a wriggle on with this project.

Thanks Cheryll for giving us the motivation to get out these old projects and work on them.


My goal was "to make a start" on the quilt.
I definitely over achieved here, as the flimsy is finished.  I had hoped to take it over to my friendly quilting fairy today, but she is off on holidays until the middle of next month, so I have to cool my heels until then.  The binding is ready to go, so hopefully it will be finished before too long.  I am really pleased with how it has turned out.  When it is finished, I will do a separate post and show it in more detail.

Thanks to Rhonda Dort for making it possible.  Tomorrow she is revealing a second project that will be commencing at the start of March.  It will be interesting to see what it is.  I don't know if I will join in or not, we'll see.


My goal was simply to complete the ornament I started in December.  This is a little challenge Lou and I have, with a few extras joining in this year, which is nice.
It didn't take long at all, once I finally got around to it.


I'm so pleased that Kris is hosting this again.  I had a look back and I have been participating since 2009.
I just had two little finishes this time.  The Santa Christmas Decoration and the little pincushion that I made on a whim.

There was one extra thing that I achieved during January.  I stitched for at least 15 minutes every day.  Some days it was only just the 15 minutes, whereas other days it expanded into hours.  I don't want to join in any official challenge for this, but if every now and then I can manage it I will be happy.  It is amazing how much you can achieve by just doing a bit every day.  

And that's it for January.

I'm  looking forward to seeing what I get up to in February.  I always have a bit of an idea, but things change, which is half the fun.


  1. That's a wonderful amount of projects you either worked on or finished... so congrats...& keep it up.
    I think setting goals helps us achieve, because as you say, it's very easy to not work in the sewing space.
    Fingers crossed for a motivated February too...xox

  2. You managed quite a bit. Really like your Vintage Linens top. Wonderful

  3. Definitely setting the pace for a big year!!! I love your vintage linens quilt and that little pincushion..... great work all round.. of course your blocks are perfect as always.... such neat work...

  4. Wow, that was a productive January! Congratulations on meeting all your goals and challenges.

  5. Oh my goodness! That Vintage LInen quilt is so beautiful. It looks so crisp and fresh!
    I also love your blockhead blocks and the colors you have chosen.

  6. Gee Janis you have achieved so much. I love the vintage linens quilt.

  7. Such a great start to the year Janice...
    The vintage linen flimsy is so pretty ,a cute Santa 🎅 ornament and a cute wee pincushion too.

  8. Great blocks! Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and congrats on your finish!

  9. You did very well with achieving your monthly goals. Wonderful blocks and finishes.

  10. Well done achieving your goals for January Janice. The blocks you have made are wonderful and your quilt top looks amazing.

  11. Lots of goals achieved there, I love your Vintage Linens quilt.
