Sunday 6 September 2020

Making a Start

I've been a bit slow off the mark with my stitching this month.  I think it could be that I wanted to get stuck into Trail Mix, but needed a decent block of time to fiddle faddle with block placement.

Fortunately, Friday Night With Friends came around and I had to do something, but what?  I didn't start until after eight and in the end I decided to just have a night of prepping things.

Once I got started, I was on my way.

I cut and pinned all my drunkard path blocks, ready to use as leaders and enders.

By bed time I had a completed pineapple block for Rainbow Scrap Challenge.  Not a great deal achieved, but better than nothing.

Thanks Cheryll for getting me off my butt and into the sewing room. Pop over and see what the other girls got up to.


  1. Doing prep is always good and I really like your red pineapple block especially the fussy cut centre.

  2. Preparing is half the job really... so great effort.
    The pineapple block looks gOOd too...xox

  3. Love the pineapple block, and prep is necessary evil, next chance you can wizz up the sewing.

  4. Once the blocks are cut out and pinned, it makes it so easy to pick up and machine them the following day. That's what I tend to do.

  5. Your Pineapple block looks good.
    I forgot all about Friday.....

  6. Nice pineapple and prep always seems to take so long. xx

  7. Another lovely block....

  8. I think you got a fantastic start to RED RSC! Great job! I just made my first pineapple block using purple for a BOM with my guild. I know the time they take to make!

  9. Congrats on getting one RED block done for the RSC and that prep work for more, too!

  10. Lovely pineapple block, and well done getting your drunkards' path blocks prepared and ready to go.
