Friday 5 June 2020

My Goals for June

It's time once again to set my goals for the coming month.

First and foremost is my OMG.

This time it is a no brainer.  I am going to get all those Splendid Sampler 2 blocks into a flimsy.  The 100 blocks have been made and 72 of them have their green or white border attached.  I just have to add the remaining 28 borders, shuffle the blocks around until I am happy with the layout and stitch together.  I do know that it will still take a bit of time, so hope to keep other things relatively simple.

The colour for the RSC this month is pink.  I will make my drunkard path blocks as well as a pineapple block.  I haven't made one of those for a couple of months, so am looking forward to it.

As I am gradually completing some of my UFOs, I am having to look a bit deeper into the abyss.  Obviously, the simpler UFOs were finished first.

Many years ago, possibly even before I started blogging in 2009, I attended a day long work shop at Anni Downs' shop The Home Patch, with the late Christine Book.  I started stitching a couple of designs with the plan to make a table runner, which I have named the "Tea Time Runner".  

We were given a little grouping of fabrics, presented beautifully in a cupcake tub, which I also intended to use.  Those fabrics are still as we received them.  This was way back when stitcheries were backed with a thin pellon, rather than weaveline.  

I hadn't actually stitched very much.  When I look at my work, I was obviously very virtuous, as my stitches are tiny.  I think that has something to do with the reason I have looked at it on many occasions, but haven't ventured to pick up a needle and do any stitching.  Looking at it, I have only done the tiny stitches on the writing.  I may work the rest in my normal, slightly larger stitches.  Much quicker, and also easier on my eyes, which I think would struggle with those tiny stitches.

I also haven't worked out colours for stitching the cupcakes or a design for making the runner.  When I hunted out these to take the photos, I even found we had been given a pattern.  I think it is too large for what I want, so will work out something different.

I am not setting any goal on how much of this I wish to get done, but just want to start moving it forward.

There will be another four blocks released this month.  I want to keep up to date.

Each month I am trying to complete a Christmas project, in the little challenge my friend Lou and I have going.  I think this month it will be a rather simple project, although at this stage I have no idea what it will be.

I also want to progress my crochet.  It shouldn't take too much to finish this off........fingers crossed.

I'm not sure what I will manage to finish for OPAM, but I will endeavour to have something finished, hopefully, a Christmas project at least.

As the footy has resumed on the tele, I will not be glued to the TV as much on a Friday night.  Therefore, I hope to be a bit more productive as I join in with Cheryll and all the girls in a couple of evenings of stitching.  I'll have to make sure I have some handwork of some description on the go.

And finally, this coming weekend will be a bit of fun, as Chooky celebrates the 8th birthday of the Chookshed.  I can't believe that this virtual party has been happening each year for so long.  The exciting bit is that this year, as a result of COVID-19, we are more familiar with Zoom and there will be a live hookup using Zoom.  It will be such great fun.  Pop over to Chooky's blog as she reveals more of what will be happening.

Now to the non-stitching goals.


No pressure here, just read a book, any book.


I'm sure I will be able to do this.  There are so many yummy looking recipes out there.


I'm not going to set a number, just try to keep walking whenever we can.


The Panorama Club have now resumed their ride calendar.  Hopefully, we will be able to join in on at least one of their rides, otherwise, we will try to just go for a ride by ourselves.


Yes, we should be able to achieve this in June.  The long weekend would have been ideal, given that I have a five day break from work, but so many people will be taking that opportunity that we have decided to delay our getaway for a week or two.  We have a pretty good idea of where we want to go, so will just have to get ourselves, and the van, organised and do it.  

So much for my aim to have a weekend away each month this year.  I haven't been away since the last time we used the van back at the start of November, and before that our month away in outback Queensland last May.  It has been far to long between drinks. 

As usual, I hope I haven't bitten off more than I can chew, but these goals are helping me so much in actually getting something done.


  1. I'm so impressed you have made 100 blocks for a single project. Looking forward to seeing them all pieced together. I also used pelton for the back of stitcheries, and now use flannel instead, never really liked the other option. Your blocks will make a lovely runner.

  2. They sound like great goals Janice, the stitcheries are lovely and will look good in a table runner. See you at Chookies.

  3. Wow your so good at getting yourself organised...... I think this weekend could be crazy with everyone moving again.... Happy to be tucked up at home. Can't wait for the party....

  4. WOW! all the SS2 blocks done and most sashed , sew looking forward to seeing the all joined up...
    Your cute fabrics and stitcheries will be a sweet table runner...
    Good luck with all Junes goals ..
    See you at the Party...

  5. Hello Janice. It was so nice to meet you last night in the zoom group! I look forward to reading your blog now that I have found you. I will also be watching to see if you decide to start Trail Mix. WE will have to keep each other rolling if you do. NO peer pressure though, right?

  6. Hi Janice,
    was wonderful meeting you and the others at Chooky's party. Love your stitchery.

  7. It was a great time at Chooky's party, "meeting" so many. Christine Book came to Bordertown many years ago, and I think I have one of her books here somewhere. Admire you for your goal setting, I sort of make lists, but they are usually work related, and not all things get crossed off.

  8. the tea time potential runner looks lovely - esp with the fabrics....I'm surprised they are still packed like that - I would have given in and flattened them to make space!

    good luck with those goals - glad you were in the Chooky party - such a great idea.- great to catch up.

  9. Good luck with all your goals... & Thanks for joining in FNwF... xox

  10. Wow Janis lots of goals and good luck with that flimsy, the blocks look great.
