Thursday 25 June 2020

Friday Fun Day

Last Friday saw us out and about once again. This was a rather unplanned day, but one we enjoyed. 

We’ve been on the lookout for a certain heritage rose called Zephirine Drouhin. It is a climber, with hot pink blooms and no thorns. We used to have one when we lived out of town and would like another. Anyway, we tracked one down at a nursery at Clarence, just the other side of Lithgow. 

We drove into Lithgow via the old highway.  I hadn't been on this little part of the road for probably 30 years.  I'd forgotten how you get a great view of the old and new railway viaducts.

This was the first time we had ventured east of Lithgow since the bushfires ravaged the area at the beginning of the year. It is rather interesting to see how the landscape is looking six months down the track. 

Some areas are just dead trees. They were obviously areas where the fires were really intense. 

Other areas are coming back quite a bit. Some trees are still really black, with little bits of regrowing.

Others species must have shed their burnt bark and look starkly pale, with quite a bit of regrowth.   At ground level there are also signs of plants starting to grow. Thank goodness the weather in autumn was favourable. 

You see where some houses are located and marvel at how they were saved. Having said that, you can also see cleared areas where a home had obviously been lost. 

The weather was not too bad so after we collected our rose we headed a little further east to the small village of Mount Wilson, which is renowned for its spectacular gardens. The last time we visited here was in the autumn over 30 years ago.

Most gardens are closed during the winter months, but “Windyridge” was open. 

We had a lovely wander around. There was a surprising amount of colour. You see a garden with fresh eyes in the winter, noticing the structures of stone walls, sculptures and tracery of the limbs of the deciduous trees. I'll just share a bit of what we say.

We weren’t the only ones enjoying the garden, but it was so nice to visit without the crowds associated with spring and autumn. 

We drove a bit further into the village and came across its pretty little church.

So sweet.  I wonder what it is like inside?

The vegetation is rather lush in this area, with lots of ferns.  They did so well to save it from the bushfires.

By then we were getting a bit peckish, headed back to Lithgow for lunch. 

We enjoyed a yummy burger at The Tin Shed, what turned out to be a very popular venue. The building was interesting with all the old structural beams now exposed. 

As we were leaving I noticed this rather cute little old sewing machine on display in the cafe. Now, wouldn’t that look good in my sewing room. However, I think they would have noticed if I had it tucked under my arm. 

After lunch we went for a bit of a wander up and down the street. 

The crochet on the trees brightened up a cold day. 

The day out was a nice little interlude. We had hoped to have lots of Friday Fun Days, now that neither of us work on Thursday or Friday, but obviously that hasn’t happened as yet. Gradually, as restrictions ease we will get out and about more. We keep jotting down ideas of things to do and places to go. All in good time. 

The main thing is that the rose has been acquired and planted. 




  1. Your Fraday out was Fun Day indeed. Love the photo of the railway viaduct together, and the pretty little church. Of course, you can't have a day out without popping into a cafe for a little sustenance, can you, always finishes off the day nicely. Pleased your new rose is now home.

  2. I do love your travel posts, it's almost as good as visiting for myself. Thanks for a day out.

  3. What an great day out and so good you got the rose you were after. That is a beautiful garden to visit and you do get a different idea of a place in the winter. That was an interesting looking church. Looking forward to your next adventure.

  4. That was one great day out with the bonus of bringing your rose home.

  5. another fun journey for us without leaving home!

    Thanks for the pic of the yarn bombed tree...I need to make some flowers for someone....

  6. Thanks for sharing your road trip and that beautiful garden. It must have been so frightening to be amidst that fire or wondering if you still had a home. Glad you got your lovely rose x

  7. Another lovely day out. Nice weather too.

  8. Thanks for sharing your lovely day out. Mt Wilson is a favourite destination of mine and Peters. We love to walk down the lane alongside that quaint church on the corner.

  9. Janice, I enjoyed taking this virtual journey with you from the devastating fire leftovers to the gardens to the crocheted tree! I loved every word and photo! I even like the font you are using lol! The garden looks like a serene paradise of which I would love to visit some day!
