Wednesday 8 January 2020

My Sewing Room - Part 2

After sharing the before photos of my sewing room, it is now time to tell you what we did.

I so wanted my sewing room to be nice and tidy and pretty.  I drool over those rooms you see on Pinterest that have nice white furniture and bright fresh decorations.  However, I know that they are not for me, as I have timber furniture that I do not want to replace, and I like vintage things. I  also have lots of treasures I wanted to display.  Nothing of any value, except for sentimental value. I was pretty sure I could make it look good with what I have and it would reflect my style so much better. 

Most of the furniture works quite well, except for one glaring exception.

See the sideboard on the left of the above photo.  It was Mick's grandmother's.  It lived in our dining room at our previous home and worked well there.  It ended up in here and is terribly inefficient storage.  Not only that, it isn't terribly attractive where it is.  We had seen one very similar given a chalk paint and stencil treatment that looked great and had considered doing that, but it would still not be a practical piece of furniture for the space.

The decision was made to donate it.

Mick's Dad had recently passed away and we had ended up with a 1990s country style tall, narrow bookcase of his.  Coincidentally, out in our garage was a display cabinet of Mum's that nearly matched.  What if we brought them in and gave them a chalk paint treatment? No, let's try again......Why not bring them in as they are........if we wait to paint them, it will never happen.  Also, the paint treatment may not be all that durable for taking tubs in and out of the shelves.

See that pile of boxes and washing basket as you look straight into the room.

Well, behind that are two tables in a T formation.  I use the other end of the one that doesn't have the sewing machine on it for my cutting table. That all works well, but even if the pile of boxes was removed, I would want to store tubs under the table and it would still be an eyesore.

Mick came up with a great idea.  What if we moved the chest of drawers that sit next to Grandma's sideboard that we donated (in the top photo) to in front of the tables and use it as my cutting table?  Don't worry about the dresser top sitting on them.  That can be removed, and actually belongs to another cupboard, which was sitting out in the garage not doing very much.  We had even been seriously considering getting rid of it.  That could possibly now fit in the sewing room.  Things were coming together.

We moved just about everything out of the room and worked solid for two days.  It was taking shape.

I then faffed around for a week or so more, before I was happy.  I admit that some of the storage in my sewing room still needs to be sorted through, but it isn't too bad.  

Also, some things have been stored in other rooms and the garage.  We are both OK with that.  It will be a work in progress.  But for now, I have a place I am happy to be in.

More soon.


  1. It certainly was a big shuffle about. And these things take time. We've lived here for 6 years now and I still have a box of stuff wrapped in moving paper!

  2. absolutely worth the effort.

  3. Lots of work but well worth the effort. We all seem to end up with family furniture along the way , don't we.
