Sunday 24 November 2019

Rainbow Scrap Challenge - We Have a Quilt Top!

How exciting!

We now have a quilt top!  Unfortunately, the colours look somewhat washed out in this photo, but I am really happy with the way it has turned out.  The greys tone down the bright colours nicely.

I had originally planned on having thirty blocks, but decided to add another six.  However, when I started to lay them out I had obviously got carried away during the year and ended up with forty one.  Duh! How did that happen?  I quickly made another block and now have a quilt top with forty two blocks, which will finish at 70" x 60".  I very practical size.

My dream, rather than goal, was to also have it quilted this month.  That was not to be, as my quilt fairy has decided to flit off on holidays down the south coast.  How dare she!  She should have been just waiting for me to deliver a quilt.   Not to worry.  Everything is ready to go and she will be able to quilt it in early December.  The binding is all prepared, so once it is returned I will have something to do next month.

This was also a great introduction to having a leader and ender project, as the blocks came together with next to no effort. I now miss having fabrics cut out, ready to just pick up and stitch between other sewing.  I have an idea to use some of my stash on a new leader and ender project, so need to get cutting.

I'm linking up over at So Scrappy.  Now, I'm off to have a look at how the other projects have been coming together.  It has been fun to once again participate in this challenge during the year.  I'll have to put my thinking cap on to come up with a project for next year.


  1. Well done Janice, it looks amazing!

  2. Fantastic top. Well done. Now to plan next years...

  3. I'll be looking forward to seeing what your Quilt Fairy does with this lovely RSC quilt top!!

  4. Beautiful!
    That quilt fairy is quite unreliable isn't she with all the flitting about?!?! LOL

  5. Your Plus top looks great, you must be so thrilled! Yes, you really must get another leader and ender project ready. I'm a great believer in them, and it almost feels like getting something for nothing.

  6. I love Plus quilts and I love your use of various grays in the background. The colours are so pretty!

  7. It looks great, even without the quilting. The low volume background really does make those colours pop.

  8. Looks beautiful!!! 60" by 70" is a generous lap size quilt that will fun to snuggle with.
    I am sure that the beauty and simplicity of your quilt will inspire several quilters to add this pattern to their list for RSC2020.
