Sunday 10 November 2019

A Bit of a Catch Up - Where to Start?

Other than posting about my stitching, I've been rather quiet on here for the last couple of months or so.  That is not because nothing has been happening, rather the contrary, we've been so busy.  It happens every year once winter is over, but this year seems to be have been especially so.

Now, where to start?

Firstly, I'll begin with the sad.  Mick's Dad passed away at the beginning of September.  He was 88.  It wasn't totally unexpected, as he had been frail for quite some time.  However, that never makes it any easier. He will certainly be missed.  

Then, on a brighter note, my Mum celebrated her 90th birthday in the middle of October.  There seemed to be a rolling succession of celebrations.

It all started with morning tea at the cafe where she regularly meets up with friends.  The owners provided a beautiful cake and gave her some lovely flowers.

Next, we had an afternoon tea at our place.  It was beautiful weather, so we held it outdoors.  I was able to use the table cloth embroidered by Mum, her cups and saucers and sugar and creamers, along with some of her pretty plates for the food. 

It was just family and close friends, which was lovely.  The above is my brother and I with Mum.

Finally, the aged care facility where Mum now lives hosted a morning tea there for her.  It was just for her closer friends that live there and a few of her other friends.  They did a beautiful job.  It really was lovely.

Next, I'll fill you in on some of our other doings....... There have been plenty.


  1. Always sad when a loved one passes away even when they have been ill. Hugs..

    Beautiful celebrations for your Mum's 90th. Both your brother and you look like Mum...

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. So sad that Mick lost his Father.
    But what lively celebrations for Mum.

  4. How wonderful that your Mum had several wonderful social occasions to celebrate her Big Birthday.
    Condolences for the loss of Micks Dad, always sad to see them go.

  5. Sorry for your loss.... as you say even when expected it's still tough.... Happy 90th to your Mum... she looks wonderful and lovely celebrations...

  6. Sorry to hear about your loss.... Looks like your mum had a great time celebrating. A very special time together.

  7. We are never ready. My condolences to your family and Mick especially. Your Mum had a wonderful celebration...lovely to be able to use all her treasures as part of the fun.Happy birthday to your dear Mum xx
