Monday 2 September 2019

One Monthly Goal for September

It's that time again - time to decide what to achieve during the next month.

Life always seems to start to get busy in September, what with the warmer weather and longer days.  Not as much time to spend in the sewing room.

Therefore, in keeping with my plan of setting achievable goals each month I plan to make six blocks towards my Splendid Sampler quilt. 

In the background, I will work on my Rainbow Scrap Challenge blocks.  As I've been using them as a leader and ender project, I've actually made all the ones I prepared at the start of the year.  So what's a girl to do, but cut out another six blocks to make a larger quilt.  I hope to get at least three of those made.

Hopefully, I will get a little something else made so that I can keep up with my plan of having at least one finish each month for One Project a Month.

I do think that is all achievable....well, at least I hope it is.

Pop over to Patty at Elm Street Quilts to see what other plans are being made for September.


  1. Look forward to seeing your next SS blocks...

  2. You're doing really well with your goals.

  3. Hi Janice i am sure you will reach your goals ,you always do such beautiful work ,cant wait to see how you go,hope your day is a good one my friend xx

  4. 6 blocks seems a good achievable goal.
    We are currently on the Indian Pacific just pulling out of Adelaide and making the most of Wifi on the phone while in the city, posting a blog and checking emails. No internet service onboard the train.

  5. Look forward to seeing what you achieve Janice x

  6. Blocks are a good goal. Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and good luck with your project.

  7. Gosh Janice, there's always so much interesting 'stuff' to read on your blog - particularly when I get behind :-) Lovely to read of your adventures, even if they happened a year ago!! Great scrap sewing and I love your virus shawl too. I wish you well in meeting this month's goal - hope the sewing goes well for you.
