Monday 12 August 2019

Rainbow Scrap Challenge for August

For a change, I already have my blocks completed for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge this month.  The colour is light blue.

Only two more months of blocks to go before I start putting them all together.  I had originally planned on making 30 blocks, but then decided to add another row, so another six blocks.  I haven't started them as yet, so we'll see if I do that or go with the original plan.  Mind you, they are so quick and easy it won't take much to do the extras........The hardest part will be pulling the fabrics and getting cutting.

Pop over to So Scrappy to see what other blue items have been made this month.


  1. Nice work... & so early in the month too. xox

  2. Nice blue blocks and great to have them done already.

  3. Lovely blue plus blocks. I can see me making plus blocks next year in the challenge.
