Sunday 30 June 2019

A Finish for June

I was really disappointed yesterday that I wouldn't have anything to add to my One Project a Month tally for June, but I just didn't think there would be time to make anything today.

Today we had a trip to Sydney to visit a rather large Blue and Yellow Swedish store and got home in time for me to once again venture into the sewing room.

My plan had been to make another bowl cosy, seeing as the two I made in May ended up in the caravan.  I know, lofty ambitions........

Well, it's done!  The hardest part was choosing fabrics, so I just went neutral.  It took so very long....not.  However, it is a finish.  I'll be letting Kris know and be adding it to my side bar.

I do hope to add something a little more substantial next month.  Wish me luck.


  1. Woohoo well done, a good idea for a last minute OPAM project!! I keep meaning to make one of these for me. (hope you had fun shopping?!)

  2. A finish is a finish, after all. Well done, especially after a day out in the big city. How far away are you from Sydney?

  3. I have one of those bowl holders... really useful especially things like soup when the dish gets hot too...

  4. One finish is enough for OPAM...and quick & handy - and to squeeze it in after a day trip - well done!

  5. Well there you go. You have more to show for your month than I do! I really must learn how to make these bowl cosies as Tony and I have been getting slack and eating in front of the tv rather than at the table.

  6. Nice they are just so very handy...xox
