Wednesday 24 April 2019

Updating Splendid Sampler 2, Rainbow Scrap Challenge and One Monthly Goal

As it is getting close to the end of the month and is also the last week of the link up for Splendid Sampler, I thought it was time to do a bit of an update on where I'm at.

Splendid Sampler 2

My aim for the month was to have twelve SS2 blocks completed.  Happily, I have fourteen done.

I have another two that just need a little hand stitching, so there is a slight chance that they will be finished by the end of the month, but we won't hold our breath, as we have a little bit on in the next week or so.

When we were at our retreat last weekend I was able to put them on a design wall and see how they looked together.

It was fun to see them play together.  Well over halfway there, so I'm keen to get the rest done.

The stitch along run by Jane and Pat has now completed, so I have to keep going without that regular accountability, but I think I will be fine. Thanks so much to the girls and all of the designers for making this such a fun project.  I'm really enjoying seeing some of the quilts all finished in the gallery.  I'll be linking up at The Splendid Sampler for the last time this week.

I'll also be linking up over at Elm Street Quilts with my OMG being met.

Rainbow Scrap Challenge

The colour for the blocks this month was Aqua.
I knew I would run out of time if I just worked on these as leaders and enders, so got stuck in and finished them.  Now to wait for next month's colour.

I'll be linking up over at So Scrappy.

Next month won't be as productive as we have other fun stuff happening, but here's hoping I still have something to share.

Other Stuff

On a totally different tack - I took these photos on my walk this morning.

A morning shadow is the only way that I will ever get long, thin legs.  Oh, I wish.

It is mid autumn here and it is truly the nicest time of year. The weather is generally calm, with warm days and cooler nights.  The autumn trees are really putting on a show.  There is a racing stable over the road from us and their grounds are like an English park.  These are the claret ash along their street frontage.  Such a lovely place to walk past.


  1. Beautiful blocks for both projects Janice. Wonderful trees, love the autumn colours.

  2. The SS blocks and RSC blocks look lovely...
    Beautiful scenery on your walk.. love the long legs.....

  3. The splendid sampler is such a fun project. Enjoy making the rest of the blocks.

  4. Such fun projects! Love your autumn photo, it's my favorite season too. Things are just beginning to turn green here in the northeast USA!

  5. Splendid sampler is looking great. .. ..

  6. Oh and you look amazing now to. ... And love the autumn colour

  7. Your splendid sampler blocks look wonderful! Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and congrats on your finish!

  8. So much work on those splendid sampler blocks and they look great. I shall have to try that trick for long thin legs.

  9. I too enjoy long, shadowy, thin legs but reality always bites back! In the meantime your quilt blocks are beautiful!

  10. Love, love, LOVE those AQUA blocks and that glorious view from your morning walk!! Funny thing is... I posted a morning shadow photo this week, too. LOL
