Monday 7 January 2019

Splendid Sampler 2 - Starry Night Starry Bright and making a start of RSC

Yesterday, when I went to put away the fabrics after cutting out the RSC quilt, I actually tidied the drawers of fabric.  The room itself looks no different, but at least the fabrics in that chest of drawers are tidy.

Then it was time to work on another Splendid Sampler 2 block.

This one is Starry Night Starry Bright by Pat Sloan. 

I'm linking up here.

I also started to make the first Rainbow Scrap Challenge block in red as a leader and ender.  What a great way to get a second block made for minimal effort......then again....these blocks require minimal effort anyway.

I was wondering where to store the completed blocks when I remembered that I have a container I bought years ago thinking it would hold complete 12" blocks, but it doesn't.  It has been sitting empty in a cupboard ever since.  It holds 10" blocks perfectly.  What  pity I didn't think of it for the RSC blocks last year.  I'm feeling very organised with this project.  Now to transfer that to other projects.

On an aside, there was a lovely sunrise when I went for my walk this morning.  Here's hoping the red sky does herald some rain.  Fingers crossed.

We normally quickly remove weeds that pop up in the gravel paths in our yard, but how can you remove this cheerful little heartsease? It is welcome to remain under the clothes line.


  1. Great start to you RSC … I have a couple of those containers too... they are great. YOur SS block is lovely too. Looks like you get up quite early for your walks... I would leave that pretty little 'weed' too!


  2. Lovely blocks. Heartsease? I've never heard that name. I would call it a Johnny Jump-up. Wonder if it's the same thing? :-)

  3. Great leader and ended project. And those containers are great for your locks.

  4. Great start with your lovely blocks Janice.
    Is that really a weed, it's sew pretty

  5. You made a good start on two projects.

  6. I love your red plus block, I have the pattern, or maybe a similar one printed out here ready to go. It's a great idea to have a leader and ender project ready to go.

  7. Love the blocks! Isn't it amazing what we have stored away? I would move the Jonny Jump-up (viola) to a flower bed!
