Friday 7 December 2018

One Monthly Goal for December

Another month has snuck up on us and it is time to set my goals for this month.  

Given that it is that very silly time of the year I'm going to aim rather low.

My goal for this month is to complete four Splendid Sampler 2 Blocks.  Surely I can get that done in the break between Christmas and New Year.  

I've really enjoyed being a part of One Monthly Goal this year.  It had kept me on track.  There has only been one month that I haven't achieved my goal, so I'm pretty pleased with that.  Admittedly, I haven't set lofty goals, but that I think is why it has worked.  Thanks to Patty for administering it.

I'm linking up over at Elm Street Quilts.


  1. I always taught that goals must be realistic … not necessarily high but achievable...

    good luck with this months....


  2. I'm glad you've enjoyed OMG and setting a manageable goal is perfect! Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and good luck with your project!

  3. Keep it simple and you are sure to get there. Or not, remember you will need time for meeting up with family and friends over the Christmas break, and time to relax too.

  4. Goals are important, I agree OPAM kept me on track this year.

  5. Its a great idea to set some plans -I always find that it more motivating if I have set myself a deadline.

  6. I really like joining OPAM and find it does keep me motivated..
    I'm sure you'll get the SS blocks done this month. Always good not to set too many goals..

  7. Hi Janice I agree goal setting is important and you have done so well my friend. wishing you and Mick a Merry Xmas and a happy and wonderful new year xx
