Thursday 30 August 2018

August One Monthly Goal - Ta Da!

Another break in our holiday posts.  I'm having trouble getting photos to load where we are at the moment.  We'll get back to that shortly.

My stitching goal for August was to complete the stitchery on my mini quilt that has been a WIP UFO for quite a few years.  You can see where  I was up to at the start of the month here.

My plan was to stitch while we are on holidays.  Nothing happened for the first two weeks, so I was a little doubtful if I would get it done, but then it came to race time at the Isle of Man and lots of time sitting beside the road waiting for races to start.  I always get lots done during that time.  As you can see, it was rather chilly, despite being summer time.  I think I may get a few strange looks as I stitch away among all the motorcyclists.

To my delight I achieved my goal today, with a race day and one day of the month to spare.  (No chance to press it unfortunately.) I'm so pleased to make some serious progress on this project.

I'm linking up with Elm Street Quilts over here.  Thanks for the inspiration.

By the way, I found a cross stitch kit of the Isle of Man when we were out and about the other day.  Another project to add to the list of things to do.


  1. Congratulations on finishing your block while on holiday, it's not always easy finding the time to stitch while on a trip.

  2. Yahoo,well done. You are doing something FAR more useful than those riding the bikes!

  3. Great idea to stich while you wait.... it's a lovely stitchery/applique too...


  4. Looks like Parliament Square. That's a good way to use time wating for races, waiting between laps and waiting for the weather to improve. LOL

  5. What a lovely piece. Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and congrats on your finish.

  6. We stitchers are ver adaptable aren't we lol! It is looking great. My hubby and son would be extremely envious of you. The cross stitch is a great momento to work on.

  7. I love your story about stitching at the motorcycle races because just last weekend I was stitching at the stock car races. Only quilters really understand. People ask what you are making. When you say, "a quilt", they wonder why it is so small since it is just a quilt block. The next question is usually, "who are you making it for?" My answer is always, I don't sew for someone, I just sew because I love to create.
