Monday 11 June 2018

Ta Da! Verandah Views Finished - One Monthly Goal for June Done and Dusted!

It really does make a difference when you actually stay home on the weekend, especially when it is a long weekend.  I haven't hopped in the car for two days.  I can't tell you the last time that happened.

Let's see what I have been up to.

I was determined that I would finish Verandah Views for my One Monthly Goal

This is how we started the month.  

I decided to bite the bullet and remove the fledgling bird and replace it with the label.  

It was a bit fiddly to remove, but didn't take too long.

That's better.  I slipped the label under the border and hand stitched it down.  I just added a final date.  I started the quilt in 2009, but I wasn't going to unpick the 2010 as I knew there was permanent marking underneath.

Then just a little more quilting, binding and a hanging sleeve.  The challenge would be to find the fabrics.  I knew I had seen them somewhere in my sewing room, but I had no idea where to start looking.  You can imagine how happy I was to find them in a ziplock bag in the first drawer I looked in.  Not only that, there were binding strips already cut (from a previous project) and enough of the backing for a hanging sleeve.

Ta Da!  I'm so happy to have it off the UFO list.  Do I love it?  Maybe not really, as the fabrics are dated.  I do love the stitcheries.  I had done a nice job of them.  Will I hang it?  Yes.  It is a part of my stitching journey.  I have a few other small quilts that will get hung in my sewing day.  For now it will go in a drawer and rest, but at least it is finished.

At the end of the month I will link up with Elm Street Quilts, who is keeping me motivated to set a goal and achieve it.  Six months down.  I'm rather chuffed with the way I'm going.

I'll finish with the view across to town and Mount Panorama this morning.  It was so pretty - nice and soft.  We ended up with a glorious day.  I sat outside in the sun stitching down the binding.  We then went for a walk around the neighbourhood.  A lovely way to spend the day.  It was good to make the most of the weather as they are predicting snow in the area next weekend.


  1. Hi Janice... very well done on finishing your wall hanging & how good was that to so easily find the fabrics you needed! It's great, love it!

    And very lovely pic of the view.

  2. Always great to get something finished.......

  3. So pretty. You'll be happy to have it hanging almost as happy as you are to have it finished!

  4. It looks great Janice.... great fix and lovely to have it finished. I wonder about how many of my quilts I will like in the future - fabrics do change

  5. Hi Janice wow your quilt is gorgeous ,well done on your beautiful work ,lovely pic at the end,hope you have a wonderful week my friend xx

  6. Love your version of Verandah Views.
    I remember thinking it was a shame to hide such a lovely label on the back.
    Mine says 2010 too.!

  7. What a clever solution to the label. I often wonder how to label quilts that span years and think this a good way to do it! Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and congrats on your finish!
