Sunday 18 February 2018

February Rainbow Scrap Challenge Blocks

The Rainbow Scrap Challenge colour and block pattern for February were announced just after we left on our holiday, so I had to wait patiently until we returned to get started.

Firstly, I had to hunt out my purple fabrics.  Like so many others, there was rather slim pickings. I'm  sure I have more purples and am guessing I will find them now that the blocks have been made.  Who'd have thought there were so many types of purple and they don't necessarily play well together.

I'm making the Squared Away Quilt designed by the Academic Quilter and this month's block is "Wishing Ring".

This is the fabrics I ended up selecting.  There were a couple that would have been fine, but I didn't want to cut into a large piece - it is a scrap challenge after all.  The colours are a pretty good representation.  However, the tiny floral on the right has quite a lot of mauve in it, which isn't showing, as well as some blue.  It is a Liberty tana lawn that I've had for years and there were some small squares already cut which were ideal.

When I went to start stitching my machine was playing up a bit.  I thought I'd better have a look under the plate.  Oops!  My Mum taught me to always keep my machine oiled and cleaned, not that newer machines need oiling.  I think I would get a slap on the wrist if she saw this.  A few minutes with the brush and it looked much better and worked just fine.

So, to my finished blocks.  The middle one looks more brown than purple in this photo, but just refer to the photo of the fabric length for the true colour.  When I first looked at them I discovered that I had done the same as last month, I had one of the corner blocks around the wrong way.  Easily fixed.  Here's hoping I get it right first time next month.

My first six blocks have come together well.  Now to wait patiently again for March's installment.


  1. Hi Janice wow your blocks look fantastic,hmm i had better look under my needle plate too,lol xx

  2. Sometimes it's hard to capture the true colour of a fabric, Janice... your blocks look great! I will have to get working on my blocks for the month, I made a push to finish another project that I just wanted to be done with... I have lots of purples to sew with, so at least I'm good on that aspect.

  3. Congrats! on getting your Squared Away Sampler blocks done for PURPLE month of the Rainbow Scrap Challenge.

  4. Looking good. I would struggle to find purple here too.

  5. I love the pattern and blocks you have chosen for your RSC... it's going to look wonderful...

  6. Oh yes I'm sure your Mum would Not have been happy with you...all clean now.
    Your blocks look great...
