Monday 20 November 2017

Playing the Tourist Around Tathra

Today we spent the day being lazy around the Tathra area. 

Our first port of call was the historic Tathra Wharf, which is the main iconic feature of the town. Unfortunately the museum was closed today, but it was still interesting to wander around. 

The wharf is a popular fishing spot, although no one seemed to be catching anything this morning. Our caravan park is on the other side of the bay. You can hardly even tell it is there with the vegetation along the beach. 

We then visited several lookouts around the headland. It is quite an interesting area.

Kianinny Bay, just south of the above lookout is where the boats moored prior to the Wharf being built and stock had to bu swum ashore.  The water is so very clear. 

We called in at an antique shop, as we do, and the lady there suggested we visit Nelson Lagoon in the Mimosa Rocks National Park, just north of town.  So we did.   We actually visited Nelson Beach first. The walkway in was really pretty. 

The locals were friendly.  This one just sat there and another was hopping towards us.  Not the least bit scared. 

It was a beautiful beach and we were the only ones there.  

Initially we didn’t find any shells, but I then spied a little abelone shell....then an even littler one, and then a few more in ever decreasing size.  Aren’t they cute. You can buy a full sized shell in town for $15. I think these are much nicer.

These are some other shells we found. 

We walked to the end of the beach and were at Nelson Lagoon. Such a pretty spot.  There was one man there fishing, but no one else. 

The rocks were rather picturesque. 

On our walk back we came across a pair of Pied Oystercatchers. There was a sign in the car park saying that they breed in the area and that they are endangered. 

We also saw heaps more blue bottles. Yuck!

One thing we noticed in the area was the number of bellbirds singing, as well as whip birds. The bellbirds sounded very near in the beach car park and we finally spotted one. I’ve heard them so very may times but this is the first one I’ve ever seen. We didn’t see the whip bird. 

After a lazy afternoon we went for another walk on the Tathra Beach. The tide was out and to our surprise the waterline was covered in beached jellyfish.  

They were thick right along the beach.  There were still loads of blue bottles as well. You really had to watch where you walked. 

And so ends our stay in Tathra. It is a lovely spot and the caravan park has been great. You can see why it is so popular. Tomorrow we will pack up and continue on our little exploration. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Janice what a beautiful spot,love the shells you found,you got to see alot with the animals,birds and marine life,glad you and Mick had such a lovely time xx
